Currently playing a Nintendo game on my iPhone, screen casted to my tv, controlled by my PlayStation controller via Bluetooth we living in the future
Gold, playoffs, ktt
I found the only ktt poster using a Vision Pro
Any game recommendations outside of what’s already in the thread? I was never a Nintendo kid growing up so I’m not sure what to play outside of Pokémon and Mario.
I definitely recommend the DBZ games mentioned earlier. And Chrono Trigger
RIP Akira Toriyama
Got a new phone about a month ago and spent hours looking for a DS emulator. Searched on Reddit, everyone kept recommending Drastic. But I wasn't paying for s*** So I tried a bunch of free emulators and they all had issues. Needed to have wifi on for ads, couldn't run certain games, speed was slow etc
Then I saw a thread on Reddit that Drastic was available for free Made my f***ing day
You're welcome everyone. Literally days after I shelled out $300 for an A***ogue Pocket
shoulda just got the miyoo mini
playing games exclusively on a touch screen
playing games on your iPhone with a a dualsense
Any game recommendations outside of what’s already in the thread? I was never a Nintendo kid growing up so I’m not sure what to play outside of Pokémon and Mario.
Wario Land 4 (best 'mario' game on gb/gba)
Link's Awakening DX
Dragon Quest 1-3 (veterans of the series mostly agree the GBC ports are the definitive edition and the first one is not long at all)
playing games exclusively on a touch screen
Get a Razer Kishi or Backbone One
This is probably the best thread to put this. For my fellow Canadians, if any of u guys are looking for a dedicated handheld emulator this is probably the best deal you could get for the foreseeable future.
45$ for a miyoo mini plus just use the codes given in the thread. Even has good instructions on how you can get it set up after since the custom firmware options are much better than the default
I’m having a hard time beating these Pokémon stadium 2 gym leaders LOL it was easier when I was a kid
Not available in The Netherlands
Any game recommendations outside of what’s already in the thread? I was never a Nintendo kid growing up so I’m not sure what to play outside of Pokémon and Mario.
Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask are a must
Any game recommendations outside of what’s already in the thread? I was never a Nintendo kid growing up so I’m not sure what to play outside of Pokémon and Mario.
Pokemon stadium, Mario 64
not available in your region
Gold, playoffs, ktt
Bro thinks ruining his brains attention is a flex
Running Pokemon Yellow rn
This is probably the best thread to put this. For my fellow Canadians, if any of u guys are looking for a dedicated handheld emulator this is probably the best deal you could get for the foreseeable future.
45$ for a miyoo mini plus just use the codes given in the thread. Even has good instructions on how you can get it set up after since the custom firmware options are much better than the default
i’m a fein for handheld gaming devices i don’t need it but i want it
i’m a fein for handheld gaming devices i don’t need it but i want it
I paid almost double and am extremely satisfied