305 To My City is still dumpster juice 12 years later Zachery
I like it and I think it suits the concept of the album but I know that many don't think it's a fantastic song and I can accept that. But it isn't bad, no way
All the other songs are either extremely good or perfect so it's a perfect album imo.
Was saying damn out loud reading each of these remembering how good these are
I love music man.
i been thinking on doing a thread for negro swan for months now
that album to me is like what people say blonde is to them
Since Thriller and Purple Rain already got called out, I would like to Submit Rumours to the record.
tarted take
thriller is there
A rating is all about opinion anyway.
Plenty of my favourite albums I consider perfect have things on there k don’t like.
Blonde for example, the skits are dreadful but to me that’s a perfect album.
It's true
Cuz a 10/10 song for one person might be a 8/10 to another
Not to mention even the biggest classics got a disposable/throwaway or 2 on there
There's a couple whatever songs on there too, no real duds but they re def not all 10/10 c'mon now lol
The White Album is a 10/10
Don't Pass Me By is a form of mild torture
These things can both be true
I'd throw out Carrie and lowell by Sufjan and When the Pawn Hits by Fiona Apple. Every song on those albums were my favorite at one point or another.