Nigga said this like London a respected Hip Hop scene
Y’all all talk like Harry Potter f*** outta here
bro have y’all ever heard any UK hip hop lol
S*** sounds like a parody of the absolute worst Rhymesayers music (which is already terrible music to begin with)
Why they exposin @op food 🤣
Why they exposin @op food 🤣 disgusting
I respect classy British women and their accents but y’all country produces a rather large amount of unlistenable hip/hop
Dave is tight tho
Why they exposin @op food 🤣 really just opened the food up n dumped it n said its done
Why they exposin @op food 🤣 about to be the Chief Keef thread all over again lmaoo
It’s really funny how y’all are trashing UK's rap scene when Drake, Ye and Rocky are so inspired from it and the New York Drill Scene only exists because of it.
I prefer American rap, but the UK still deserve their flowers.
Why they exposin @op food 🤣 this is the craziest s*** I’ve ever seen.
This is really their breakfast of choice