Itt: niggas who don’t listen to pop punk or punk
they don't like the music but they love the aesthetic
Clickbait ass thumbnail
I think Adam gives a fair assessment for why he didn't like it while still seeing where it might make sense with certain crowds and work in certain environments
Plus wasn’t the Vampire s*** done by Uzi in 2017 already
lil tracy did it years before that
Plus wasn’t the Vampire s*** done by Uzi in 2017 already
thats not vampire that's devil
Such as
Just mainstream 2000s like Blink, My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil
Haven’t really got around to much more than that
he admitted that he's never listened to the genre but calling it "new" for blacks. which is stupid af because that nigga is trying to put us in a box. not all of us are late to the party.
Just mainstream 2000s like Blink, My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil
Haven’t really got around to much more than that
What’s wrong with wanting good songwriting skills?
then don't listen to music that doesn't have "good songwriting skills" there's clearly music that's more focused on energy
WLR is not punk, he just steals the aesthetic to look cool. Somebody asked Carti before about punk and he replied “yeah I like bam margera” he even has a bad religion tattoo, complete poser but his kid fans don’t care
Just mainstream 2000s like Blink, My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil
Haven’t really got around to much more than that
Dam didn't I send u recs in the emo thread. U went through any of them??
Dam didn't I send u recs in the emo thread. U went through any of them??
Pmo fam
to be honest I think WLR sounds RELATIVELY the closest to the literal sound of Punk as you could while still keeping the Trap sound involved
Rockstar Made
New Tank
Stop Breathing
all those songs have Punk elements from a sound standpoint, the aggressive fast paced beats, the stop and go delivery, aggressive vocals, repetitive riffs etc
Don’t care about whites opinion on black art form. Go critique green bean casserole or *NSYNC
Your last thread was about Eminem and Mac Miller lmfao
i think it has similar flow and energy to a lot punk records i have heard, lots punk musicians aren't technically skilled but make up for fantastic energy and engaging but simplistic lyrical content and production
carti for all intensive purposes did that and thats all i care about
anyways punk been gentrified since exact VW did collab with S***Pistols and most of major bands in punk were signed to major labels so don't come with some bullshit saying carti can't do punk aesthetics
Can you give me a couple good punk albums to listen to?