The only thing that's a ghost town is Kanye's discography in terms of good songs
This is the reason why those battles only work with artists from the same generation and why bringing up Kanye or Jay Z against an artist like Drake makes no sense. Kanye and Jay Z have more iconic songs and the battle you people are calling a battle of "hits" isn't really a battle of hits but a battle of who has more iconic songs. Drake would lose that battle any day and you people know it. That's like saying list 20 Drake hits and 20 Post Malone hits. Drake has been doing this longer and has more iconic songs than Post Malone. It's the same principle. That's why Kanye should only go against someone of his generation. Same with Hov. Drake can go against someone in his generation as well. Anything else is people trying to undermine Drake's hitmaking ability because none of these discussions are about actual hits in the first place.
jus saying kanye would wash drake with those songs u listed
Nah lol
Take your picK
You can get the first 20 Classic raps list Barz edition pure hit edition streets edition
Too many lists!
i was iffy about that one
u better be iffy young man im disappointed Future and Drake are disappointed too
The only thing that's a ghost town is Kanye's discography in terms of good songs
brooo drake himself would slap you for that comment
u better be iffy young man im disappointed Future and Drake are disappointed too
future and drake both goats and this post was made with no disrespect to them
brooo drake himself would slap you for that comment
if Drake slapped me I'd never wash my cheek for the rest of my life.... YFM????
Toosie Slide, #2 on the Billboard Charts, out now!
Number #2? Oh no what happened????
The only thing that's a ghost town is Kanye's discography in terms of good songs
u better be iffy young man im disappointed Future and Drake are disappointed too
I believe Future and Drake have better things to do than browse KTT2 right now