Unfortunately, the President lacks the authority to issue a stimulus check and so if Americans are to get one, it must be passed into law by Congress.
Isn’t it still pretty much coming just not as soon as we thought it would?
People were capping for trump like he was some business savant who was going to save the economy. Look at us now. Same people who thought that, got the rug pulled from under them. I can't imagine anyone but the hardcore maga people backing him at this point and time.
It’s still people who believe that bro, yesterday a guy told me America was doing great before China sabotaged us with “Corvid”
Oh and don't forget about this:
Niggas about to pack up and go play golf while the country is suffering
Imagine elected officials helping or caring about the people who elected them
Trump has numbed us to the apocalypse f*** all that s***. Imagine comparing that to this.
I legit think his Base is dumb enough to vote for him over Biden.
If you think about it Americans gave Bernie the boot, you're giving Americans as a collective too much credit
F***ing cowards. F*** them and their labor day plans
It's gonna be a landslide for trump imo, Biden might be even more unlikeable than hillary was
They ain't ready for the truth. Sidebar: it's very interesting how much hate for this post, and it's not even close to you endorsing Trump, just commenting. Insecurity maybe
F***ing cowards. F*** them and their labor day plans
lmao till September 7th ??? these guys are really pushing it 😂
I go back to school in a week, how do you guys feel about me still collecting (Even when we get additions back)
I think I should tbh, these guys have f***ed me a lot this summer
They ain't ready for the truth. Sidebar: it's very interesting how much hate for this post, and it's not even close to you endorsing Trump, just commenting. Insecurity maybe
Or maybe it’s cause every single poll and every political expert currently has Trump getting destroyed in November and y’all just talking out of your ass.
I go back to school in a week, how do you guys feel about me still collecting (Even when we get additions back)
I think I should tbh, these guys have f***ed me a lot this summer
Get it how you can
F***ing cowards. F*** them and their labor day plans
Or maybe it’s cause every single poll and every political expert currently has Trump getting destroyed in November and y’all just talking out of your ass.
Same in 2016 my guy. I'm not trying to debate or show support for Trump, just saying how yall are doing the EXACT same thing as last year: writing off the "win" way before the election
Same in 2016 my guy. I'm not trying to debate or show support for Trump, just saying how yall are doing the EXACT same thing as last year: writing off the "win" way before the election
The manner in which Biden is currently polling ahead of Trump is very different than the manner in which Hillary polled ahead of Trump in 2016. There isn’t any chance that Trump wins Wisconsin and Michigan again. They even talking about Texas possibly turning blue this year
The manner in which Biden is currently polling ahead of Trump is very different than the manner in which Hillary polled ahead of Trump in 2016. There isn’t any chance that Trump wins Wisconsin and Michigan again. They even talking about Texas possibly turning blue this year
I really don't mean any disrespect but I don't think you understand what I'm saying because you're trying to predict the future by going off what is fed to you through (assumingly liberal-leaning) media. No, I'm not s***ting on media, because I don't blame them. Nor do I fall on either pole of the political spectrum.
It's just disheartening to see someone like youself, who's probably a very smart and educated person (and you aren't alone), so easily willing to write off the whole election because polls and experts said so. Here's a beautiful article of the exact phenomena that I'm referring to: washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump-will-lose-or-i-will-eat-this-column/2015/10/02/1fd5c94a-6906-11e5-9ef3-fde182507eac_story.html
Fun fact: in most, if not all, economic academic circles, it is believed that a political "expert", regardless of party affiliation, is about as accurate about predicting the future of an election as a potato. The point being that there are an extremely dense amount of variables that go into an election, certainly most being unknown unknowns, thus making the election nearly impossible to predict. Polls can't do anything either unfortunately, as polls can be equally as inaccurate.
Sorry for the long post, but if you read it all then I'm looking forward to your thoughts, if applicable.
Same in 2016 my guy. I'm not trying to debate or show support for Trump, just saying how yall are doing the EXACT same thing as last year: writing off the "win" way before the election
I'd say 2016 was just a tad bit different without a pandemic where 160K+ Americans are dying, 5 million+ are infected, countless business being shuttered with 30 million people having to apply for unemployment, rent evictions now looming, police state aggression and violent tactics being utilized increasingly, and all of it being allowed to flourish under Trump's watch. Wee bit different circumstances playing right now. Maybe if this all didn't come to fold I'd be saying Trump would unfortunately be easily re-elected, but now?
I don’t think this is just some major disagreement
This is some kind of conspiracy man
Some of those guys are genuinely trying to f*** the country up
Now it makes sense that trump was trying to sign that executive order
Cause the markets are probably going to tank that was his attempt to try and save it
I'd say 2016 was just a tad bit different without a pandemic where 160K+ Americans are dying, 5 million+ are infected, countless business being shuttered with 30 million people having to apply for unemployment, rent evictions now looming, police state aggression and violent tactics being utilized increasingly, and all of it being allowed to flourish under Trump's watch. Wee bit different circumstances playing right now. Maybe if this all didn't come to fold I'd be saying Trump would unfortunately be easily re-elected, but now?
I see your point. I wasn't comparing the economic situations of 2016 vs 2020, obviously every year is very different. I'm just sayin that there's unfortunately still a large, silent population that doesn't give a s*** about all that or think Trump is/will do a good job. The same population that came out and got him into office in 2016.
What do you expect though? Anyone with a differing view than theirs is immediately labeled a sexist bigot whatever, instead of sitting down and at least trying to speak to one another. People give up too easily (my point in a nutshell).
I really don't mean any disrespect but I don't think you understand what I'm saying because you're trying to predict the future by going off what is fed to you through (assumingly liberal-leaning) media. No, I'm not s***ting on media, because I don't blame them. Nor do I fall on either pole of the political spectrum.
It's just disheartening to see someone like youself, who's probably a very smart and educated person (and you aren't alone), so easily willing to write off the whole election because polls and experts said so. Here's a beautiful article of the exact phenomena that I'm referring to: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump-will-lose-or-i-will-eat-this-column/2015/10/02/1fd5c94a-6906-11e5-9ef3-fde182507eac_story.html
Fun fact: in most, if not all, economic academic circles, it is believed that a political "expert", regardless of party affiliation, is about as accurate about predicting the future of an election as a potato. The point being that there are an extremely dense amount of variables that go into an election, certainly most being unknown unknowns, thus making the election nearly impossible to predict. Polls can't do anything either unfortunately, as polls can be equally as inaccurate.
Sorry for the long post, but if you read it all then I'm looking forward to your thoughts, if applicable.
I’m definitely not writing off the election, but even Republicans and Conservative news outlets such as Fox News, Ben Shapiro, and Tucker Carlson have admitted that Joe Biden will likely win the election. It would be foolish to not acknowledge that it’ll be harder for Trump to win in 2020 than it was in 2016. Biden has already campaigned hard in key states such as Michigan and Wisconsin (something Hillary didn’t do), both of which have a very high probability of going blue again this year. You’re also not taking into account that Biden is legitimately really popular with old whites, who are the key demographic to winning the election.
In addition, there are political experts such as Allan Lichtman that have accurately predicted the winner of every presidential election since the 80s. You can’t just disregard that as inaccurate.
Don't f***ing assume a damn thing about the results of the election until the votes have been counted. Complacency is how they get you to stay home.
I don't personally think Trump will win the election, because the states that allowed him to pull off the narrow upset on the back of votes totaling tens of thousands have shown very real signs of being done with his s*** since the midterms. You don't even have to look at polls, just look at voting and party registration in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. These states have turned on him for many salient reasons and there's no path for him without them.
But still, don't assume anything. Vote and tell everyone you know to vote. Trump loses badly with a high voter turnout, which is why he's been trying so hard to suppress the vote.
I’m definitely not writing off the election, but even Republicans and Conservative news outlets such as Fox News, Ben Shapiro, and Tucker Carlson have admitted that Joe Biden will likely win the election. It would be foolish to not acknowledge that it’ll be harder for Trump to win in 2020 than it was in 2016. Biden has already campaigned hard in key states such as Michigan and Wisconsin (something Hillary didn’t do), both of which have a very high probability of going blue again this year. You’re also not taking into account that Biden is legitimately really popular with old whites, who are the key demographic to winning the election.
In addition, there are political experts such as Allan Lichtman that have accurately predicted the winner of every presidential election since the 80s. You can’t just disregard that as inaccurate.
Very solid points. I didn't mean to imply the situation was exactly the same as 2016, as you're 100% right, many different variables this year. I also think that there's still a decent amount of time between now and the end of the year for unpredictable events to happen, things that people like Allen Lichtman can't even predict.
Ironically though, I was just reading his article this morning before our discussion; he predicts Biden to win. His method seems to be something of great remark, this is a political prediction system I can get behind.
My point still stands about most experts though, although you're right, I shouldn't be so quick to write them off. Great conversation :)