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  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Registered Democrat

    Voted for yang in 2020

    So whatever that makes me

    a clown

  • Jun 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Do people like pc culture? It seems so fake to me

    Real disingenuous

    well yeah "pc culture" takes the general virtue of respecting other individuals and throws it way outta proportion to the point that it becomes pandering. but honestly "pc culture" is really only a thing in large institutions such as schools businesses news channels etc.

    threads like these are lame as f*** bc one, this site isn't even PC, and two, it just shows that @OP and others like him have a problem with simply being a respectful human being, you know? kinda tone deaf and socially-autistic

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Your ass is not leaving this elevator

    Have faith! Pray for me, please.

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Registered Democrat

    Voted for yang in 2020

    So whatever that makes me

    my guy ....

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    So this a safe space from PC culture? The irony is brutal

  • Jun 8, 2021

    Registered Democrat

    Voted for yang in 2020

    So whatever that makes me

    i really liked yang until he started to run for NY mayor

    i still think he has interesting points, but he’s starting to pander. he used to be real. he seems a bit more fake now

    it’s like he hired some better political handlers than he had for the presidential election

    he shoulda just stayed the way he was

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply
    stuck in elevator

    Have faith! Pray for me, please.

    Respectfully : no

  • pusher tee

    Ever notice how the people who try to use only "politically correct" terminology are almost always upper-class whites?

    Yup. It's always privileged white kids from the suburbs who are trying to "cancel" someone or who are worried about the usage of "pc" language. Why? I think they really just have no real worries in their lives so they try to fabricate non-existent issues they can "fight" for. It's peak privilege.

    Guarantee you no one working a minimum wage job who's taking care of their family while barely getting by is worried about that s***.

  • Jun 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Respectfully : no

    Lol you play too much

    Now lookahere, Queen.

    Get on your knees.

    And pray for me. Okay?

  • Jun 8, 2021

    postmodernity really hit a wreck

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply
    stuck in elevator

    Lol you play too much

    Now lookahere, Queen.

    Get on your knees.

    And pray for me. Okay?

  • Jun 8, 2021

    So this a safe space from PC culture? The irony is brutal

    Thats what its come to

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    It was a joke

  • Jun 8, 2021


  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply


  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply
    stuck in elevator

    It was a joke

    Eeeh well you tried

  • Jun 8, 2021

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    What defines pc culture to you? Most of the time people's definition of it sounds more like just being a decent human being but I guess that's too much for some

    An example I love to use is when I was in school

    I was friends with this white kid from San Fran and when someone called me black he called the other person racist and said I’m African American.

    I prefer to be called black, and I can stand up for myself. I don’t need someone who obviously didn’t take the time to understand what 1) is and isn’t racist 2) my preferences on what I want to be called.

    It seemed like he wanted to LOOK like a nice person and not BE a nice person. And, I’ve noticed this behavior a lot more recently.

    But, when it’s time to have a more nuanced discussion on race a lot of these guys are M.I.A. And they feel like having that discussion is beneath them.

  • Jun 8, 2021

    Also do we really need a Non PC thread in the most non PC sxn of ktt2

  • Jun 8, 2021

    i'm not pc, that's some white s***

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    well yeah "pc culture" takes the general virtue of respecting other individuals and throws it way outta proportion to the point that it becomes pandering. but honestly "pc culture" is really only a thing in large institutions such as schools businesses news channels etc.

    threads like these are lame as f*** bc one, this site isn't even PC, and two, it just shows that @OP and others like him have a problem with simply being a respectful human being, you know? kinda tone deaf and socially-autistic

    This post got me crine
    Not a crumb of self awareness

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    An example I love to use is when I was in school

    I was friends with this white kid from San Fran and when someone called me black he called the other person racist and said I’m African American.

    I prefer to be called black, and I can stand up for myself. I don’t need someone who obviously didn’t take the time to understand what 1) is and isn’t racist 2) my preferences on what I want to be called.

    It seemed like he wanted to LOOK like a nice person and not BE a nice person. And, I’ve noticed this behavior a lot more recently.

    But, when it’s time to have a more nuanced discussion on race a lot of these guys are M.I.A. And they feel like having that discussion is beneath them.

    OK I can hear that but that's more an issue of doing perfomative activism more than being PC because I woild argue people doing this are actually contributing to discrimination

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