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  • Jun 8, 2021

    Litteraly 😈😈😈

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Dat nigga Ace

    This site is very much twitter. Any opinion outside of the status quo gets you attacked and labeled. And to make it even worse, niggas dont even bother using logic if they disagree with you. They just react emotionally

    this is true

    it’s not as bad imo but it’s kind of adjacent

  • Jun 8, 2021

    OK I can hear that but that's more an issue of doing perfomative activism more than being PC because I woild argue people doing this are actually contributing to discrimination

    That’s what I mean I guess “pc culture” is just a bad word for it

  • Jun 8, 2021
    3 replies
    Dat nigga Ace

    This site is very much twitter. Any opinion outside of the status quo gets you attacked and labeled. And to make it even worse, niggas dont even bother using logic if they disagree with you. They just react emotionally

    Give us an example

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply
    stuck in elevator

    This is the ALPHA thread. No betas allowed.

    what about sigmas

  • hysteric gamer

    what about sigmas

    idk what that is lowkey

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    there are other websites that I think you’ll like more

    I really don't know what the point of posts like this is.

    People can question certain things and have different opinions on certain topics without being alt-right 4chan weirdos. You're just doing more harm. Why not actually have these discussions - here - instead of directing people to a cesspool that might lead them down a road they otherwise never would've gone down themselves. You're just brewing more frustration in these people.

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply


  • Jun 8, 2021

  • Jun 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Whats yalls PC specs??

    Mine is getting a bit dated rn I have:

    CPU - AMD Ryzen 5 3600

    GPU - Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB

    RAM - 16 GB

    Need to upgrade my graphics card soon, looking at 3060s right now.

    ik this is a non-pc user thread but just want to diversify a bit

  • Jun 8, 2021
    Dat nigga Ace

    This site is very much twitter. Any opinion outside of the status quo gets you attacked and labeled. And to make it even worse, niggas dont even bother using logic if they disagree with you. They just react emotionally

    U got a ben simmons avy, ud be eaten alive on twitter with that s***

    34% ft shooting this playoffs

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Whats yalls PC specs??

    Mine is getting a bit dated rn I have:

    CPU - AMD Ryzen 5 3600

    GPU - Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB

    RAM - 16 GB

    Need to upgrade my graphics card soon, looking at 3060s right now.

    ik this is a non-pc user thread but just want to diversify a bit

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    The non-pc crowd getting just as triggered as the pc crowd will always be hilarious to me. Same s*** different toilet.

  • Jun 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Yikes. Though this is a good example of where we're at on ktt. That user, Boyay, could've just had people educate him as to why he is woefully incorrect for himself and anyone else reading the thread,

    This reminds me of Daryl Davis, the black guy who joined the KKK just so that he could better discuss what racism is to racists. He got a lot of those racists to see the error of their ways just through compassion and discussion. He even ended a whole branch of the clan. I feel like we could use more of this as opposed to shunning

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Whats yalls PC specs??

    Mine is getting a bit dated rn I have:

    CPU - AMD Ryzen 5 3600

    GPU - Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB

    RAM - 16 GB

    Need to upgrade my graphics card soon, looking at 3060s right now.

    ik this is a non-pc user thread but just want to diversify a bit

    Hell no.

    Save up for a 3080 or just stick with urs.

  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply
    4PF Accountant

    I really don't know what the point of posts like this is.

    People can question certain things and have different opinions on certain topics without being alt-right 4chan weirdos. You're just doing more harm. Why not actually have these discussions - here - instead of directing people to a cesspool that might lead them down a road they otherwise never would've gone down themselves. You're just brewing more frustration in these people.

    yeah but people in here are wrong when they question things

  • Jun 8, 2021
    hysteric gamer


  • Jun 8, 2021


  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Hell no.

    Save up for a 3080 or just stick with urs.

    Isn't the 3060 like 3-4 times better than the 1060?

  • Jun 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Give us an example

    I got called a trump supporter in the election thread bc I didn’t vote for Biden

  • Jun 8, 2021


  • Jun 8, 2021
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    this is true

    it’s not as bad imo but it’s kind of adjacent

    imo it’s pretty bad. This site is mostly grown men right? I dont understand why niggas are so damn emotional

  • NakedBalenciaga

    Give us an example

    This guy and I had a political disagreement, I end the convo by saying "hey I respect your opinion and your views nice talking to you!" he then said he hopes that I drown. So, I said I hope he gets misgendered, it was f***ed up but nigga wished death on me and I knew he was a liberal so I took the lower road Nigga wish death on me I wished someone would call him the wrong gender and niggas killed me af lmaooooo

  • Jun 8, 2021

    I got called a trump supporter in the election thread bc I didn’t vote for Biden

    Oh god dont give me flashbacks to the election days

  • Jun 8, 2021

    I got called a trump supporter in the election thread bc I didn’t vote for Biden

    same i’ve been called a trump supports countless times on here even though i voted for biden

    you really can’t have much discussion on here because a loud few will just derail your s*** with insults

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