Whole lotta “rap enthusiasts” exposing themselves for a couple tweets
She tweets like she only f***s white nerds
Why was #ItsOkayToBeWhite trending on Twitter?
in the replies
""whiteness" is an artificial construct and culture originally made to divide the working class and justify hypocrisy of enlightenment ideals within colonial and settler colonial projects."
what lol
Did something happen to her recently? Every time I see her name pop up it always got something to do with Wypeepo. If this what she wants to be known for that’s on her but say it in the music not on twitter.
in the replies
""whiteness" is an artificial construct and culture originally made to divide the working class and justify hypocrisy of enlightenment ideals within colonial and settler colonial projects."
what lol
White isn't a real thing, half the people in america considered "white" wouldn't be considered white in europe and weren't here like 100 years ago, Irish and Italian people for example weren't considered white until black people became the enemy
However she doesn’t tweet like someone who had a racial slur as a stage name for a few years
Not really surprised she bought into the racist s*** that gets put on Twitter.
Earl is the same way, you always see him liking racist tweets. I don’t follow him anymore so maybe he stopped.
It’s sad to see :(
White isn't a real thing, half the people in america considered "white" wouldn't be considered white in europe and weren't here like 100 years ago, Irish and Italian people for example weren't considered white until black people became the enemy
Back in the days bin laden was considered a pasty C**
Did something happen to her recently? Every time I see her name pop up it always got something to do with Wypeepo. If this what she wants to be known for that’s on her but say it in the music not on twitter.
What’s the point? People still gonna be crying if she make a song about hating whiteness
White and Black isn’t about race, it’s about classism and citizen rights. It’s legal for a person whom says they’re “black” that they relieve their rights in the court of law. Black is a legal term for infant or someone who needs a lawyer and can’t speak for themself. African American has no legal status either. So niggas gotta stop using these terms b.
weird thing bout noname is when she rap she sound like a 4th grader from minnesota
Twitter is so toxic man
Yeah, thank god my acount got suspended cause thats the only way I was gonna get out if the awful place.
Same Noname but I think she’s confusing “whiteness” with “white privilege”
Not racist thing to say
Yeah, thank god my acount got suspended cause thats the only way I was gonna get out if the awful place.
If your account was suspended that means you were toxic too lmao
What’s the point? People still gonna be crying if she make a song about hating whiteness
I’m just tryna understand what’s causing this currently? I know she always been pro black but never knew she was anti white.
Can’t lie I be feeling that way sometimes but not to the point I just gotta tell it to the world lol like a smug looking white dude might make me feel like throwing up but it doesn’t make me want to go at all white people or their “whiteness”
I just know cacs gonna c***but they better not cross me on no bullshit
I agree with her saying that there is a white mainstream culture being pushed on and sold to white people.
That is what grunge rebelled against
cant wait to see what all the race baiting s*** will lead to in the next decade WW3 WE COMING B****
Did something happen to her recently? Every time I see her name pop up it always got something to do with Wypeepo. If this what she wants to be known for that’s on her but say it in the music not on twitter.
She was supposed to marry the guy Candace Owen married. Allegedly lmao
Ya know these liberal broads praise their god “the man” and don’t know how to act when they can’t get his attention.
First statement is a joke, it’s the principle of what she’s doing lmao
cant wait to see what all the race baiting s*** will lead to in the next decade WW3 WE COMING B****