Hypernormalization is the creation of scenarios where the population recognizes they are in a hopeless scenario, however they cannot perceive a way out of the scenario
adam curtis
Normal music: Could speak to our perception of it or music becoming "normal" again as opposed to trending toward the extreme
Posthyperpop: I'm guessing he means going so far left field that things become kind of "normal again". Trying to go beyond the extreme or subvert the extreme and winding up doing fundamental stuff
Hypernormalization: He didn't know what this means
Getting back to 00: Resetting the cycle, I don't think he meant actual Y2K? Maybe he did as hyperpop can brush shoulders with that era
And I'm gonna go ahead and disagree if I'm anywhere close because most people walking around don't know what hyper pop is don't engage with it that much. Lots of kids are listening to Nirvana. Lots of kids only hear Tik Tok mash up clips all day.
gonna write this op tomorrow cuz i caught covid and am tired as f*** but i thought the thread title was hard and didnt want to forget it so i wrote it down here thanks in advance
nigga left us hanging this was prolly a troll post
Still interested in @op writeup