yeaaaa this aint my speed but dope song man
yeaaaa this aint my speed but dope song man
middle-aged Scottish blokes who are a legacy act in the UK isn't exactly cool, I get it
Mogwai - The Pale Fire
not on ktt2s radar but it's great
forgot they were dropping too, need to check it out
put me on.
this one is off their last album but I love the video for it, the director did some good skate films that're worth watching too
Lord please let recency bias and hyperbole be a thing that dies out in 2025 in regards to music discussion.
Stop trippin lol no ones saying they are generational albums so soon but they are all really good albums to start the year on.
Mogwai - The Pale Fire
not on ktt2s radar but it's great
did not know mogwai dropped, good looks