  • when this video dropped was the day we can officially say that niggas from dc/md have tried everything to jumpstart their careers , and none of it has worked . also i f***ing hate this video a lot , i feel bad for fifty because i can only imagine what this guy brandon would have told him in the days leading up to this , and he made a genuine effort to try to grow his audience , and i can't say that it's made any difference a month later :/

    we got niggas signed to 300 , niggas with situations with sony and big players like that in the industry , niggas that signed to ross . dmv rappers get shown real love from other top artists via cosigns , features , all of that . i truly believe that this is one of the top 3 cities in the world when it comes to black people demonstrating their god given talent , and that extends to everything beyond music , but especially when it comes to rap , and yet the biggest artists we have had have been Wale , who is an industry punching bag , fat trel , who if i told you that 0.5% of the people on earth are could identify him in a jail style lineup that would be a gross exaggeration , and then there is shy glizzy , who don't get me wrong i am one of the least homophobic people on earth but mfs use to bid on him because they seen the way he was standing in a picture and tried to say he was gay . and he don't even got 1.5 million followers on instagram regardless . that's it , that's all , that is the complete and total extent of the exposure that the dmv has had in the industry . like bruh !

    i really and truly do not get it

  • Oct 23, 2023
    1 reply

    prolly cause the DMV don't be supporting they niggas like that the way NY or Atlanta or Cali stands behind they artists during their respective heydays.

    Also niggas be getting arrested too damn much. Shoutout to Xanman that Kane song probably the craziest way someone's flowed over one of my favorite songs of all time

  • Oct 23, 2023
    1 reply

    why you type like that moe?

  • Oct 23, 2023
    2 replies

    DMV rappers don't win because they don't support each other the way other cities do. They also don't want to pay for s*** from their producers and videographers so fucc em frfr

  • Oct 23, 2023
    3 replies

    DMV rappers don't win because they don't support each other the way other cities do. They also don't want to pay for s*** from their producers and videographers so fucc em frfr

    -moved out the DMV and doesn't support his own rappers or even hometeam


  • Oct 23, 2023
    1 reply

    and not including VA, where the best music history in your OP is another reason y'all niggas don't win.

  • Oct 23, 2023
    1 reply

    -moved out the DMV and doesn't support his own rappers or even hometeam


    every DMV artist that come to LA I link with.

  • Oct 23, 2023
    1 reply

    -moved out the DMV and doesn't support his own rappers or even hometeam


    Oh wow

  • Oct 23, 2023

    Oh wow


  • Oct 23, 2023
    2 replies

    every DMV artist that come to LA I link with.

    yall gotta put the gogo back in yall beats like Wale did on Beautiful Girls cause I SWORE that song was gonna get him outta here in high school

  • Oct 23, 2023
    2 replies

    yall gotta put the gogo back in yall beats like Wale did on Beautiful Girls cause I SWORE that song was gonna get him outta here in high school

    Nobody this creative, s/o El Cousteau tho he might break the barrier. Cause niggas like IDK figured out the method, but are straight ass

  • Oct 23, 2023

    The market is too flooded

  • Oct 23, 2023

    Nobody this creative, s/o El Cousteau tho he might break the barrier. Cause niggas like IDK figured out the method, but are straight ass

    another rapper that got some of Kay's best beats (I loved Taco ngl tho)

  • Oct 23, 2023
    1 reply

    yall gotta put the gogo back in yall beats like Wale did on Beautiful Girls cause I SWORE that song was gonna get him outta here in high school

    Prime Wale you just had to be there

  • Oct 23, 2023
    3 replies

    Prime Wale you just had to be there

    aint no pizza, get out hours
    I LOVED Attention Deficit and More About Nothing

  • Oct 23, 2023
    1 reply

    aint no pizza, get out hours
    I LOVED Attention Deficit and More About Nothing

    More about nothing slept on

  • Oct 23, 2023
    1 reply

    aint no pizza, get out hours
    I LOVED Attention Deficit and More About Nothing

    over/under 5 pages for Wale album release thread?

  • Oct 23, 2023
    3 replies

    Until DC invents a new sound that other cities want to imitate, rappers will always be stuck here

  • Oct 23, 2023

    Nobody this creative, s/o El Cousteau tho he might break the barrier. Cause niggas like IDK figured out the method, but are straight ass

    I like him and WifiGawd

  • Oct 23, 2023

    Until DC invents a new sound that other cities want to imitate, rappers will always be stuck here

    ironically we already have that sound, its even more prevalent with Afrobeats being so popular

  • Oct 23, 2023

    Until DC invents a new sound that other cities want to imitate, rappers will always be stuck here

    Kinda similar to why their slang doesn't expand to other cities (besides "glizzy")

    yeah, it gives you a uniqueness but it puts a ceiling over how much you can expand.

  • Oct 23, 2023

    More about nothing slept on


    It’s really not lol, everyone loved it

  • Oct 23, 2023

    over/under 5 pages for Wale album release thread?

    wale personality his biggest downfall tbh

  • Oct 23, 2023
    1 reply

    That's because of the material conditions of this area . Everyone hates each other and it's too expensive to live like California or ny with zero of the benefits of living in these places

  • Oct 23, 2023

    DMV rappers don't win because they don't support each other the way other cities do. They also don't want to pay for s*** from their producers and videographers so fucc em frfr

    damn but this sounds bout right, just overall grimey activity not friendly competition