@RVI How do you find your music? Just randomly?
i use RYM and mainly crawl through pages of the charts. also by following certain users with big collection/special knowledge of a type of music. or searching through the lists
for example recently i have been getting into 'stoner doom' metal. so i browse the pages of 'stoner metal' and 'doom metal' and look through the albums. anything with like a 3.40+ with a at least a hundred or so ratings is probably worth checking out. (for modern albums like a 3+ since users are harsher with new releases). you can also narrow it down by year,country,archival relases,compilations,singles etc. i fuzz about the chart rankings or order, i just use it as a list maker
iirc @Soupvillain recommended me that great fuzzy psych afro-rock/funk compilation The World Ends
Charming Hostess—Jewlia Eisenberg with Marika Hughes and Cynthia Taylor—sounds like a Phil Spector '60s girl group that decided to fire the famed producer, telling him on the way out the door, "So long, pal, we got some ideas of our own." Their ideas, on Sarajevo Blues, are in the socially concious/protest vein; they make their music with handclaps and sweet harmonies, vocal percussion, sex-breath, a beatbox, cello, and violin, telling the story of war in Sarajevo, working with the text by Bosnian poet Sem Mehmedinovic to create an upbeat and beautiful sound.