You motherfuckers out here smoking crack, heron, spending hundreds on weed, fornicating with white women, doing cocaine throwing up on carpets, worrying about height, eating McDonald’s, drinking alcohol, eating pork
Seriously what the f*** is wrong with y’all? I am here to help. I have led many who were once astray back to the light. You can be as well and find the true way of achieving happiness
I am offering zoom counseling 20 dollars an hour, ktt discount dropped down to 15 an hour
Email- $5 per initial message and additional charge of 3 dollars per corresponding message
KTT message- $2.50 per message, $5 for initial message
I can also facilitate intervention and addiction counseling for anyone who needs it. Charges can be discussed on email.
Acceptable forms of payment are Zenmo, PayPal, and mailable check. (Check must be cleared before services are rendered)
Come get the help that you need KTT, especially from a trusted source who’s methods are tried and true.