u gonna see a lot of posters exposing their complete lack of emotional stability itt I tell ya hwat
great episode
Hate them with a passion. Take your ass to the sidewalk fam fomw
They have the nerve to pass u on the right as u make right turns then get angry like its not entirely their fault
Where I live on popular trails, there are bike lanes, but the cyclists will just ride wherever they want. They don’t care and won’t let you know they’re coming.
They’ll get pissy if you don’t just automatically know they’re coming up from behind you. If you do much as step foot in the bike lane, they get mad, but have no problems riding side by side outside the bike lane. F*** those dirtbags
Hate them
average biker:
!https://youtu.be/5XLLGsBQEf0illegal honk
average biker:
!https://youtu.be/5XLLGsBQEf0the air sound getting harsher at the end bc bro is flying off the bike tryn to catch up
Biking is cool
Friendly reminder that the United States demolished black neighborhoods to make ways for highways because white people moved in the suburbs and ultimately destroyed most of its pedestrian friendly cities