  • May 1, 2023

    was the 2020 election stolen

    Just like Florida in 2000

  • May 1, 2023
    2 replies

    CIA is actually MOSSAD but there are industries denying that discussion

    Clarification: CIA is heavily infiltrated by MOSSAD - To the point where CIA doesnt actually work for American Interests.

  • May 1, 2023
    1 reply
    OVO Kennedy

    I have a cousin from NY who thought I was crazy and started hating me because I talked about building 7 being a controlled demolition.

    Most people don’t even know of the building’s existence, and the footage of it collapsing looks too surreal/uncanny to be believed. Plus the fact that the NTSB refused to release their simulation data that “proved” it collapsed from “office fires”

    Like c’mon man. A lot of the denial about the suspiciousness of the 9/11 Commission Report is just people in denial. They’ve got a certain vision of what their country and its leaders’ values are, it’s incomprehensible that they would cover up (or perpetrate) something so horrifying evil. Even just a cursory glance at history breaks down this barrier.

    For lack of a better quip, Bush did 9/11

  • May 1, 2023
    2 replies

    most countries that were previously colonised by Britain are still the Vassal states of UK - And act against the interests of USA.

  • May 1, 2023
    2 replies

    Lots of talk about "cure for cancer" but THEY actually know what causes cancer but they will never disclose it/work towards making a positive change and its treatment because $$$


  • May 1, 2023

    CIA is actually MOSSAD but there are industries denying that discussion

    Clarification: CIA is heavily infiltrated by MOSSAD - To the point where CIA doesnt actually work for American Interests.

    CIA only ever worked for American corporate** interests. Since it’s inception it was first run by Allen Dulles, a former Wall Street lawyer whose clients were corporations that directly benefitted from CIA interventions around the world (United Fruit Company, most clearly). The CIA is American capitalism’s paramilitary arm, along with, ya know, the US Military

  • Shimmer

    Lots of talk about "cure for cancer" but THEY actually know what causes cancer but they will never disclose it/work towards making a positive change and its treatment because $$$


    Everything causes cancer

  • May 1, 2023
    1 reply

    most countries that were previously colonised by Britain are still the Vassal states of UK - And act against the interests of USA.


  • May 1, 2023

    CIA is actually MOSSAD but there are industries denying that discussion

    Clarification: CIA is heavily infiltrated by MOSSAD - To the point where CIA doesnt actually work for American Interests.

  • tripsix 🐍
    May 1, 2023
    2 replies

    who thinks that Kanye isn't antisemitic but pushing the boundaries of the media?

  • May 1, 2023
    1 reply

    who thinks that Kanye isn't antisemitic but pushing the boundaries of the media?

    What is semitism? Because if it's still under the Abrahamic definition than I'm confused on the usage

  • May 1, 2023

    who thinks that Kanye isn't antisemitic but pushing the boundaries of the media?

    The people/institutions he is/was mad at happen to be primarily Jewish/Jewish-owned. It is interesting that they’re seemingly above criticism.

  • May 1, 2023
    1 reply


    Take Pakistan for example:

    1- Colonized and given independence by the British around a time when they (Brits) were running out of money etc.

    2- Left the country with an Army who:
    was trained by the British
    Actually fought alongside the british in order to disperse the movement of independence against brits by the locals.
    *Brits created the army with the intention of creating a force that would do their work for money

    3- Army has remained the de-factor ruler of the country since its inception with the supreme court as its tool of control

    4- Basically everything done by that country is done after the auspices of the British. (Another way to say this its that the army itself is spineless and would need someone to call the shots for it)

    5- 9/11 happens - War on Terror Happens - USA tells Pakistan you're either with us or against - They s*** their pants and accept to join.

    6- But, they double cross the s*** out of the USA (very much documented in media) - basically f***ing them over for Aid money - Harbouring terror groups in their own country and s***.. (Where did a country that is supposedly so spineless get such a backbone to double cross a superpower like america )

    7- Osama gets found in Pakistan

    8- USA ends up pulling out (supposedly in its biggest failure - some might disagree) - USA ends up embarrassed while pakistan rakes in the big aid money $$$ -

    Britain learned the lesson that it is impossible to be the sole superpower. The best way to go about things is to be in the backseat while maintaining a strong currency. Let USA do the dirty work - use them like tissue paper - wait out the dollar collapse - rinse and repeat.

  • May 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Take Pakistan for example:

    1- Colonized and given independence by the British around a time when they (Brits) were running out of money etc.

    2- Left the country with an Army who:
    was trained by the British
    Actually fought alongside the british in order to disperse the movement of independence against brits by the locals.
    *Brits created the army with the intention of creating a force that would do their work for money

    3- Army has remained the de-factor ruler of the country since its inception with the supreme court as its tool of control

    4- Basically everything done by that country is done after the auspices of the British. (Another way to say this its that the army itself is spineless and would need someone to call the shots for it)

    5- 9/11 happens - War on Terror Happens - USA tells Pakistan you're either with us or against - They s*** their pants and accept to join.

    6- But, they double cross the s*** out of the USA (very much documented in media) - basically f***ing them over for Aid money - Harbouring terror groups in their own country and s***.. (Where did a country that is supposedly so spineless get such a backbone to double cross a superpower like america )

    7- Osama gets found in Pakistan

    8- USA ends up pulling out (supposedly in its biggest failure - some might disagree) - USA ends up embarrassed while pakistan rakes in the big aid money $$$ -

    Britain learned the lesson that it is impossible to be the sole superpower. The best way to go about things is to be in the backseat while maintaining a strong currency. Let USA do the dirty work - use them like tissue paper - wait out the dollar collapse - rinse and repeat.

    Why is Britain is such a s***ty state then and begging the US for help. Also not sure about 4)

  • May 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Why is Britain is such a s***ty state then and begging the US for help. Also not sure about 4)

    referring to point 4 - yeah maybe not everything they do but definitely some things.

    Every state is s***ty - no one actually cares anymore - Nations/Countries are looking like a thing of the past now

    its now institutions/conglomerates/Military industrial complexes

    this may be a reach tbh - but look at this migration map of millionaires -

    they got different passports and s*** and moving around country to country. Today most move to UAE - tomorrow when s*** hits the fan - they move to another state

  • May 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Andrew Tate a CIA/MOSSAD asset used to rope in the semi-radicalized loser muslims through his stunts.

  • May 1, 2023

    This one also pretty cool:

    King Solomon was believed to be this all powerful king in jerusalem (acknowledged by all the abrahamic religions) he had power to control demons through a "seal" which would allow him to use these demons to perform various tasks in very quick time without any effort.

    Theory: That "seal" or technology is being used today and will continue to improve to the level of King Solomon's ability

    Check this meme out and this article which talks about the Internet being "made of demons" :

  • May 1, 2023

    Craziest s*** I heard/read was that birth control pills cause a mess up in the hormonal system which results in rewiring of the part of the brain responsible for selecting a suitable mate.

    Not even sure this is a conspiracy. Messing with hormonal balance is how the d*** acheives birth control anyway

  • May 1, 2023
    1 reply

    most countries that were previously colonised by Britain are still the Vassal states of UK - And act against the interests of USA.

    Yup. Look into Tavistock Institute and their influence

  • tripsix 🐍
    May 1, 2023

    Andrew Tate a CIA/MOSSAD asset used to rope in the semi-radicalized loser muslims through his stunts.

    this clown is just a scammer

  • May 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Yup. Look into Tavistock Institute and their influence

    dammn - thanks for this -
    i think I found the next book to dive into

  • May 1, 2023
    2 replies

    dammn - thanks for this -
    i think I found the next book to dive into

    “By the author of the Committee of 300” another group to read their stuff as well

  • May 1, 2023
    1 reply

    “By the author of the Committee of 300” another group to read their stuff as well


  • May 1, 2023


    crazy s*** enjoy
