Rather take my chances on tether than hold usdc for now. If nothing does happen to usdc I'll immediately swap back to it.
Tether seems safe at the moment but 1) I will never trust Tether, even if I have some Tether I don't keep a lot 2) everyone is seeing it as safe so you get double rekt trading into it from USDC at the moment since it's over $1 but yeah it could be better than USDC until they provide more clarity
I doubt USDC is worth less than 75 cents worst case and it is probably much higher like 98 cents if it's just this one bank but yeah there are lots of unknowns and Coinbase/Circle aren't saying much
what does he know
what does he know
You reckon he's aware of something that isn't public? Or buying in the event that things turn out ok?
You reckon he's aware of something that isn't public? Or buying in the event that things turn out ok?
That’s a tiny amount for him
That’s a tiny amount for him
ofc, guess what I meant was if he was aware of something not public or more just seeing a potential quick flip.
ofc, guess what I meant was if he was aware of something not public or more just seeing a potential quick flip.
Nah if he knew something he wouldn’t risk inside info trading for that small an amount
It’s just a small bet, & good for optics (better for eth & crypto if usdc doesn’t fail of course)
Some good info in this twitter thread, however he’s making some assumptions about redemptions
You reckon he's aware of something that isn't public? Or buying in the event that things turn out ok?
i doubt it, i more was just joking about him being a secret 1000iq trader lol
but yeah i agree with lnstinct, think he just thought it looked cheap by metrics everyone can see
a lot of PTSD FUD from FTX/UST which were designed to be far riskier
even if every bank they had failed they’d be able cover 77 cents on the dollar and that’s an extreme scenario
i’m not holding a ton of USDC anymore but i also don’t think this is the end for it, most likely
Where 2 Cop
Free 0
Free 0
I feel like anything I dm @lnstinct on twitter becomes true within a few days or weeks
that's crazy tho Circle used 6 banks and half them closed in 5 days
drumpf indicator
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neon dm instinct indicator
If these aren’t in your trading arsenal, you’re getting left behind
the irony that Nexo & Tether are fine cause they were banking with criminals and everyone that did things through US Banks are now in trouble
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neon dm instinct indicator
If these aren’t in your trading arsenal, you’re getting left behind
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I heard dumpf pulled all his dollars out of SVB days before they went under