I ain’t that young lol 29
But I’ll pump money into ethereum over the next few years then venture into property.. I’ll take your word for it
Last question any videos or info confirming eth upward trend?
Oh S*** LOL
I thought you were like 18 . Oh damn i'm barely older than you.
Even then, I would just buy ETH and hold for long term.
If you do want to make way more money , you can invest in low cap projects, though they are really really risky and I wouldn't recommend someone to invest in them unless they got at least a year in the crypto space.
Oh S*** LOL
I thought you were like 18 . Oh damn i'm barely older than you.
Even then, I would just buy ETH and hold for long term.
If you do want to make way more money , you can invest in low cap projects, though they are really really risky and I wouldn't recommend someone to invest in them unless they got at least a year in the crypto space.
Cena with good advice ^
Work for an energy company
Read rich dad poor dad again and it just opened my eyes. Don’t wanna be trapped in the cycle of always wanting more and incurring debt as my human nature is.
Genuinely feel like if I ain’t got assets I’m just dying slow
Definitely put part of your paycheck into assets you like but stop calling your job “glorified slavery” and get your TC up
How does a young nigga start off
Up your income level through your skills or networking. Easiest way to get cash to save up for an emergency fund and pay your bills first. Once you are stable with that then you can do any strategy you want for investing.
Side hustles are bullshit if they take more effort than your main job and earn less per hour.
Investing is a long term game or a serious hobby otherwise it takes effort to hop back in while learning
I’m aware of that but there are also outliers and exceptions. If i’m wrong who cares you all get to laugh and idgaf cause I wasted the time and money looking into it. PERSONALLY speaking I see the upside as limitless. I am by no means saying this will reach 1k a coin by next year. I do think it could do well because it actually has utility.
What are the outliers and exceptions?
For real for real though a coin’s value is based on its market cap. You can create a coin and make it so it costs 250 dollars but only 50 of them in circulation for instance, that coin’s real value would be 50 times 250. Plenty of room for growth. Another coin that is worth 2 dollars but have millions of them in circulation can’t grow anymore. So judging whether a coin has potential based on its dollar value is a terrible idea and that’s the false truth a lot of scammers offer
Shib to $1 in 2024
It’s not that high anymore ?
It's been ranging from 30-60 gwei at peak hours
Has anyone in this thread actually made money from investments? Lol
I'm gonna be a millionaire
Damn he's got air pod pros. He's rich
Yep. I'm a legalized financial advisor. AMA
It's been ranging from 30-60 gwei at peak hours
Remind me how much is that ? I forgot it all
Remind me how much is that ? I forgot it all
depends on the contract and type of transaction
What would y’all consider “making it” in this space?
me getting back in the green would be a W atp