need 0 back in here to shill bat so my faith can be restored
I already told you all he's in his mysterious music phase
i got too much bearmarket ptsd to believe in this rally
but keep pumping my bags
Vultures drops and btc and eth subsequently pump. Coincidence? I think not
i got too much bearmarket ptsd to believe in this rally
but keep pumping my bags
i got too much bearmarket ptsd to believe in this rally
but keep pumping my bags
Don't be like those guys that will come in here at 90k and say they have $10 - $100 they want to flip
I'm nowhere near as wealthy as some of the posters itt but even just a few hundred £££ a month can turn into some decent money that can improve your irl situation. Just commit to buying a bit when your cheque hits, see how much you have mid month and then buy a bit more if you can before your next cheque hits. Then by the time things are in full swing you would've made a fair bit and won't kick yourself for not buying and holding. Paid off large chunks of an 11k debt this way during the 20/21 run on a breadline salary and had a bit left over to invest at lows 22/23.
There are guys I know IRL that are "waiting for a good entry" and I guarantee they are gonna FOMO at the height of this next run
is the real deal or just a fake out
either way 100k BTC 2026
is the real deal or just a fake out
either way 100k BTC 2026
Once you know it’s going to happen you don’t need to worry about when
Once you know it’s going to happen you don’t need to worry about when
few FEW
God I’m gonna be so rich
Anyone here a dev that's worked on POW(Ghostdag) projects before?
Send me a dm here or on discord
why's thread dead
people have jobs and real life responsibilities
people have jobs and real life responsibilities
losing money is a full time job and responsiblity