this s*** really gonna melt faces
Scared asf my life about to change crazy
We'll still be early in 2028 - 2030 as well
Come back to this comment in about 3 months maybe sooner. The biggest narrative of this cycle is going to be ethena USD and anything built on top of it. Stable coin using funding rate arbitrage to give 30% APYs currently. But if anyone has seen funding rates they get beyond wicked in the bull market. Happened with luna, this is round 2 but doesn't rely on the same mechanism so next to no chance of a bank run
bruh my coinbase account stuck on $1.11
my ass biting my nails in disbelief
this run stressing me the f*** out
im about to miss two bulls in a row because i bought a browser token given away for free
man hold that s***. only way is up lol
Thank you for everything @neon i love you no pause
yea we luv u @neon
luv you too cam
Come back to this comment in about 3 months maybe sooner. The biggest narrative of this cycle is going to be ethena USD and anything built on top of it. Stable coin using funding rate arbitrage to give 30% APYs currently. But if anyone has seen funding rates they get beyond wicked in the bull market. Happened with luna, this is round 2 but doesn't rely on the same mechanism so next to no chance of a bank run
if it sounds too good to be true :run:
@Extraterrestrial you use coinbase right?
bruh my coinbase account stuck on $1.11
my ass biting my nails in disbelief
this run stressing me the f*** out
You're trying to buy or pull?
bruh my coinbase account stuck on $1.11
my ass biting my nails in disbelief
this run stressing me the f*** out
Hate it had to be you.
You're trying to buy or pull?
na just doing my regular 10 min check lol
thought i got hacked
s*** keeps bouncing between 1.11, 1.10 and my actual balance
Hate it had to be you.
yea im jealous of yall europies.
you use kucoin or binance?
Come back to this comment in about 3 months maybe sooner. The biggest narrative of this cycle is going to be ethena USD and anything built on top of it. Stable coin using funding rate arbitrage to give 30% APYs currently. But if anyone has seen funding rates they get beyond wicked in the bull market. Happened with luna, this is round 2 but doesn't rely on the same mechanism so next to no chance of a bank run
I’m farming it but it’s not that big a deal + you’re losing out farming the shards by having to sit in usde
Eigenlayer much bigger btw
Come back to this comment in about 3 months maybe sooner. The biggest narrative of this cycle is going to be ethena USD and anything built on top of it. Stable coin using funding rate arbitrage to give 30% APYs currently. But if anyone has seen funding rates they get beyond wicked in the bull market. Happened with luna, this is round 2 but doesn't rely on the same mechanism so next to no chance of a bank run
Also their insurance fund rn is only $20m so there is risk
will prob do well tho tbh, wouldn’t be farming it otherwise
I’m farming it but it’s not that big a deal + you’re losing out farming the shards by having to sit in usde
Eigenlayer much bigger btw
It is because of projects that utilise it. There was a massive influx of ycombinator startups that used the APY from Terra Luna as an incentive to draw in users for neo banks. The entire terra luna ecosytem was massive.
Eigen layer is good too if you want to hold ETH but stable coins are an easier sell to regular people.
The insurance fund is not as important because the risk profiile of funding rate arbitrage is much lower than an algo stablecoin. still centralization risk but a lot safer
man hold that s***. only way is up lol
I’ve been holding that s*** for 4+ years and s*** has moved a grand total of 0% since then lol. Luckily I moved some when it hit like 1.20 at Christmas in 2021
I’m farming it but it’s not that big a deal + you’re losing out farming the shards by having to sit in usde
Eigenlayer much bigger btw
When is EIGEN ICO, or did I miss it already?
When is EIGEN ICO, or did I miss it already?
Never, will be an airdrop + probably multiple others from projects building on top
It’s kind of late now, I first posted about it itt last summer. But dyor, still could be worth restaking if u put in enough