You bought at the top and then s*** plummeted. Never go after the hype.
Gotta learn from it.
You have no idea who you’re talking to lol
new highs before may or april or something
bears will die
the good numbers only go up on a long enough time frame
never forget that
What am I doing holding Ethereum
Buy low sell high
Generational buying opportunities and people complaining about losing imaginary money numbers that aren't real A tale as old as time
There is no spoon
Fellas on this page restoring my lambo dreams
Pack it up
A correction is what was needed… market/cryptop/real estate all ripped the last 4 years.
If you have been buying, gotta keep buying..
Fat nigga season has literally saved my crypto wallet. That dude a lifesaver.
First time in my life that I considered selling out my TSLA. Everything looks like it's trying to bring down that stock price.
Pack it up
He is such a f***ing troll and a dumbass
Pack it up
What the f***
Goodbye, my friends.