smokin potnas finna be amazing
The Jay Album had me preoccupied... updating thread now my bad guys.
finally jumping into this new Spitta x Fendi P project, got the bong packed... lets rock
That Pheno Grigiot is low key top 3 collab projects for Spitta
S*** is fire
been lacking on my Spitta playlist rotation... ashamed of myself
new joint with cardo OTW
can’t wait for green tape to come out, needed a spitta and cardo project
Alright I can’t be that high where the f*** is it
Edit: nvm found it on youtube let’s go
Live stream by Currensy. He’s gunna play some Pilot Talk 4
Gonna peep thia
Idek what to say about dude anymore.
I feel like indepdent artists just maintain such a consistent quality of music in comparison to those on majors.
Every project dude has put out is fire. Green Tape is crazy