@MiniVan @JaeAlways @LD you guys want the link? Trust me y’all want this one to finish
He’s gone from the community apparently. If you want the link I’ll message it to you. We need a few hundred more
i got burned on buying leaks back in 2014 will never do it again
Need that song with Kaytranada
Atavista is beautiful
Can't wait to hear the OG Algorhythm next
Hopefully it’s out by tonight?
cant believe he sat on this and let we are we are we are play for 3 minutes as an intro instead
cant believe he sat on this and let we are we are we are play for 3 minutes as an intro instead
I'm starting to seriously think he sabotaged the album on purpose
atavista just floated out my chair
You're welcome 😜 seriously though I'm so happy we got this
cant believe he sat on this and let we are we are we are play for 3 minutes as an intro instead
There are zero worlds in which that intro is better than Atavista, I really will never understand that decision
Atavista + OG Algorhythm + Human Sacrifice could've anchored one of the best albums ever I'm really not playing. Wonder what the rest of that 2018 album sounded like
thought we were gonna get verses on this algorythm leak just got yet another instrumental version
Warlords groupbuy soon.