Og jackboy classic but this one is too
Proud of Durk, dude been holding his career down for a minute now
WhooooooaaOoooooooo i wake up n i b feelin like tha realistttt
Even street niggas need they ๐&๐ฅ
Mhm im nonchalant
Tha 1 kall my bruvah not my bruvah cus he tol dem other niggas we not bruvahs
Them niggas some hoes them niggas some hoes theyon get no attention
Act like a dog then i take u to a pet store
Crazy how Durk never really fell off
Anybody know when these signed vinyls getting shipped?
This durkio world guy seems kool he spelled kold w/ a k
Unban em
Edit: that looks sus asf๐ its not me
No Auto (album) leaked in the leak page
stay down is hard
no into it at first but by the end i like it a lot. thug came in clutch. nice song
I need this s***
Where Voice at
whole album 10/10
durk been on a roll for the longest
op got banned, anyone wanna make a new thread?