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  • Nov 1, 2020
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    This is if you give Trump EVERY single state Biden leads by under 5.

    Biden still wins.

    It is a f***ing Wrap

    trump not gonna concede even if this happens

  • Nov 1, 2020
    3 replies
    You Disappoint Me

    trump not gonna concede even if this happens

    Then it's war? Like idk. Like is america at war at that point. I just dont see people sitting quietly if that happens. Itll be worse than f***ing riots democracy no longer matters

    If he got blown out i dont think Trump would concede

  • Nov 1, 2020
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    This is if you give Trump EVERY single state Biden leads by under 5.

    Biden still wins.

    It is a f***ing Wrap

    People don't get how f***ing narrow Trump's path is to winning. He's pretty much got to run the table like he did in 2016, only the country is a complete s*** show with millions sick and out of work.

    He really has to steal the election in plain sight, because we're all waiting for it to happen.

  • Nov 1, 2020
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Then it's war? Like idk. Like is america at war at that point. I just dont see people sitting quietly if that happens. Itll be worse than f***ing riots democracy no longer matters

    If he got blown out i dont think Trump would concede

    "if it takes longer than until Jan. 21 to determine a winner, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will become president"

    pretty sure if trump takes it to courts it'll take a few months

  • Nov 1, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    This is if you give Trump EVERY single state Biden leads by under 5.

    Biden still wins.

    It is a f***ing Wrap

    I agree. I actually think it'll look something this map. Problem with this is that if it's close I'm expecting some denial bullshit to happen and I am not looking forward to that s***

  • Nov 1, 2020

    People don't get how f***ing narrow Trump's path is to winning. He's pretty much got to run the table like he did in 2016, only the country is a complete s*** show with millions sick and out of work.

    He really has to steal the election in plain sight, because we're all waiting for it to happen.

    And an absolute s*** ton of people voting this time and theyre all pissed off

  • Nov 1, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    Then it's war? Like idk. Like is america at war at that point. I just dont see people sitting quietly if that happens. Itll be worse than f***ing riots democracy no longer matters

    If he got blown out i dont think Trump would concede



  • Nov 1, 2020
    2 replies
    You Disappoint Me

    "if it takes longer than until Jan. 21 to determine a winner, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will become president"

    pretty sure if trump takes it to courts it'll take a few months

    But what if he doesnt allow that to happen? He wont concede to Biden he sure as hell wont give the presidency to the woman who helped impeach him.

    If he doesnt concede it might really be some unprecedented civil war s***.

  • Nov 1, 2020
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    This is if you give Trump EVERY single state Biden leads by under 5.

    Biden still wins.

    It is a f***ing Wrap

    Yeah I saw a commentantor bring this up (Kyle Kulinski on youtube, GOAT channel) and he mentioned several scenarios and this being one of them.

    Don't know if its too good to be true tho.

  • Bo Ceephus

    But what if he doesnt allow that to happen? He wont concede to Biden he sure as hell wont give the presidency to the woman who helped impeach him.

    If he doesnt concede it might really be some unprecedented civil war s***.

    the election act very clear that that jan 21 presidency ends and then both biden and trump will show up to be inaugurated lmao

  • Nov 1, 2020

    Yeah I saw a commentantor bring this up (Kyle Kulinski on youtube, GOAT channel) and he mentioned several scenarios and this being one of them.

    Don't know if its too good to be true tho.

    Its not impossible but its very unlikely trump wins this

    If Joe does just a bit better than good its done man. Like if he pulls one swing state he's not guaranteed to win its over

    So trump can win but he's gotta run the table.

    He did it once, but twice? With this turnout? Nah

  • Nov 1, 2020
    2 replies
    Bo Ceephus

    Then it's war? Like idk. Like is america at war at that point. I just dont see people sitting quietly if that happens. Itll be worse than f***ing riots democracy no longer matters

    If he got blown out i dont think Trump would concede

    If Biden has less than 280 votes Trump not conceding isn't a matter of if, it's a guarantee. Eric said if it's a blowout he will concede but who knows if that'll be true. Either way I don't think much will happen, a lot of people are expecting it. The potential aftermath could lead to violence though.

  • Nov 1, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    This is if you give Trump EVERY single state Biden leads by under 5.

    Biden still wins.

    It is a f***ing Wrap

  • Nov 1, 2020
    1 reply
    madison beer guy

    If Biden has less than 280 votes Trump not conceding isn't a matter of if, it's a guarantee. Eric said if it's a blowout he will concede but who knows if that'll be true. Either way I don't think much will happen, a lot of people are expecting it. The potential aftermath could lead to violence though.

    Yeah i think if trump loses and doesnt vacate the presidency there will and maybe, should be a violent reaction. You cant just s*** on democracy and people's ability to choose. Without that we are not a democracy and thus are allowed to overthrow as dictated by our forefathers.

    I know that sounds crazy. But you cant just be a dictator lol

  • Nov 1, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    But what if he doesnt allow that to happen? He wont concede to Biden he sure as hell wont give the presidency to the woman who helped impeach him.

    If he doesnt concede it might really be some unprecedented civil war s***.

    oh lord πŸ˜­πŸ™„

  • Nov 1, 2020
    madison beer guy

    If Biden has less than 280 votes Trump not conceding isn't a matter of if, it's a guarantee. Eric said if it's a blowout he will concede but who knows if that'll be true. Either way I don't think much will happen, a lot of people are expecting it. The potential aftermath could lead to violence though.

    doubt it if anything if trump wins it could turn into a shtf

  • Nov 2, 2020

    party wars and console wars

  • Nov 2, 2020

    Lowkey think Texas might be a go

    Huge turnout and all the polls are under sampling Hispanics and especially uneducated Hispanics (who vote dem more than educated Hispanics)

  • Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Trump is gonna declare victory tuesday night no matter which way the numbers look

  • Childhood πŸ–€
    Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply

    biden not winning texas/florida or by 400+

    stop the cap lol

  • Childhood πŸ–€
    Nov 2, 2020

    Trump is gonna declare victory tuesday night no matter which way the numbers look

    yeah i'm pretty sure he's not gonna concede if it's close how i think it'll be

    s*** is scray

  • Childhood πŸ–€
    Nov 2, 2020

    biden not winning texas/florida or by 400+

    stop the cap lol

    georgia or nc too lol those aren't going red for this time around

  • Nov 2, 2020

    Trump and Biden when they both declare themselves the winner Tuesday night..

  • Nov 2, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    This is if you give Trump EVERY single state Biden leads by under 5.

    Biden still wins.

    It is a f***ing Wrap

    This would feel like a loss. I need Biden to get at least 300 and I think he will.

  • Nov 2, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    This is if you give Trump EVERY single state Biden leads by under 5.

    Biden still wins.

    It is a f***ing Wrap

    I hope so bro

    This next week gonna be crazy

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