  • cotton

    im not really a youtuber follower aside from druski but, the sidemen charity match live rn should be funny


    kick off in 3 minutes

    lmaoo these niggas got mr beast thats crazy

  • this may be the worst s*** i have EVER seen in my life

  • f***ing hell mane what we doin

    always against southampton too

  • and get darwin outta here before he catches a red

  • I know it's not happening but

  • i don’t know what it is about southampton but they almost always feel so tricky to play against no matter how bad they’re doing

    can’t have one peaceful game against them ffs

    had a sketchy feeling going into this game, hopefully darwin gets benched immediately and they turn this around tho

  • underachiever

    starting to notice a pattern that when i make a darwin hate post itt he delivers shortly after, might need to do that more often

  • that f***er’s silenced me again for now

  • idk about a pen but i’ll take it fs

  • never in doubt

  • well that was surprisingly quick please don’t f*** this up now

  • kyliannnn

  • viniiiii

    f*** rayo