@MyNight lemme in gng
Taking tequila shots with my coworker and I want her to piss on my hands so bad
Taking tequila shots with my coworker and I want her to piss on my hands so bad
You guys have any established sexual tension?
Taking tequila shots with my coworker and I want her to piss on my hands so bad
You guys have any established sexual tension?
Eh not really. I had to see her get married earlier this month which was, interesting to witness. Good time for self reflection
Taking tequila shots with my coworker and I want her to piss on my hands so bad
Keep us updated
Taking tequila shots with my coworker and I want her to piss on my hands so bad
Taking tequila shots with my coworker and I want her to piss on my hands so bad
Cmon gang
Taking tequila shots with my coworker and I want her to piss on my hands so bad
I was 5 tequila shots deep last night and the f***ed this girl for like an hour, i felt invincible
I just came back spending 10 days in South Africa while staying at a friend's family home. With the women I was around I had h**** thoughts damn near 24/7 than I ever did in NY
I'm definitely going back one day on my own
Like imagine a girl just standing up peeing but you cup her cooter pot to make sure it’s sifting through the cracks of the fingers
I was 5 tequila shots deep last night and the f***ed this girl for like an hour, i felt invincible