This s*** (literally) is horrible and I need some fellow support from anyone here who has it and how they deal with it.
I’ve had to take dicyclomine to stop the really bad cramping I was getting. I’ve changed my diet drastically to be more healthy and exercise more and it has help but I still am getting a lot of irregular s***. My next step is cutting out cheese because I have a hunch that that food triggers it.
One of the biggest L’s life can throw ya
Good luck with that one op
When you cuddling with a baddie and your intestines keep going “errghmwwmwianmniwn”
This s*** (literally) is horrible and I need some fellow support from anyone here who has it and how they deal with it.
I’ve had to take dicyclomine to stop the really bad cramping I was getting. I’ve changed my diet drastically to be more healthy and exercise more and it has help but I still am getting a lot of irregular s***. My next step is cutting out cheese because I have a hunch that that food triggers it.
When you cuddling with a baddie and your intestines keep going “errghmwwmwianmniwn”
When you cuddling with a baddie and your intestines keep going “errghmwwmwianmniwn”
i have crohns but on the ibs end of it mostly just figuring out your food triggers and avoiding them. look up low fodmap diet if u wanna go extreme for a few weeks or so
i have crohns but on the ibs end of it mostly just figuring out your food triggers and avoiding them. look up low fodmap diet if u wanna go extreme for a few weeks or so
do you take imodium daily?
when you wake up at 4am to your stomach making some weird nosies. Try to take a s***. Nothing happens. Go back to bed. Stomach makes noises again. Go to try to take a s*** again. S*** actually comes out. Go back to bed. Stomach makes noises again. Go back to s*** again. Nothing comes out. Stomach starts to hurt. Finally, the big diarrhea empties out. Top 10 feeling right there
i was on it for a year but last august i switched to stelara
i was on it for a year but last august i switched to stelara
ohhhh aight
don't really see any other people with autoimmune diseases on ktt
ohhhh aight
don't really see any other people with autoimmune diseases on ktt
cant speak on other autoimmune diseases but ibd is kinda common, bound to be more of us on here
i remember karlpilkington saying he had crohns so there's at least one more
when you wake up at 4am to your stomach making some weird nosies. Try to take a s***. Nothing happens. Go back to bed. Stomach makes noises again. Go to try to take a s*** again. S*** actually comes out. Go back to bed. Stomach makes noises again. Go back to s*** again. Nothing comes out. Stomach starts to hurt. Finally, the big diarrhea empties out. Top 10 feeling right there
When you can’t predict if you’re gonna get hit with diarrhea one day or constipation the next
i have crohns but on the ibs end of it mostly just figuring out your food triggers and avoiding them. look up low fodmap diet if u wanna go extreme for a few weeks or so
Man crohns sounds like no joke much respect to you
If i eat alot of garlic or fried food, i get gassy. It sucks. I think its because im getting older too.
How do i get that
They cracked down on it allegedly because people were using it to get high in a very stupid way. Best deal probably on Ebay or something. It's generic Imodium.