The news just dropped, I'm a partial owner
What can I say
Tell Coach Cliff to suit me up and I'll play
Snippet of Bas & Cole song here
Lmfaooo already dropping a Hornets bar. Zero time wasted
J. Cole the lil engine that could y'all
And yeah I'm comin for the top like I should y'all
And b**** I never fall off, knock on wood y'all
what are some of the best cole loosies out there?
been trying to listen to a lot of his old mixtape stuff, but also randomly trying to find his loosies
His earliest stuff like Can I Bus, 16 year old white XXL white t freestyle, and The Storm are a peek at aughts online forum rap. The Therapist era
Waiting 2-3 years for J. Cole to drop a 10-12 track album is starting to get annoying tbh.
We need The Fall Off asap, or some promo singles like Middle Child.
Waiting 2-3 years for J. Cole to drop a 10-12 track album is starting to get annoying tbh.
We need The Fall Off asap, or some promo singles like Middle Child.
I don’t think it’s annoying because he’s more active than ever since 2018. We get like 15-20 features a year + dreamville compilations here and there. It’s not like he goes into hiding anymore
Middle Child might go diamond before No Role Modelz wow
No role modelz already diamond eligible
No role modelz already diamond eligible
Oh word? Lol they haven’t updated it in years
Oh word? Lol they haven’t updated it in years
Yeah I don’t think he updated all his certifications yet, only some. Pretty crazy tho he bout to have 2 solo diamond records
New bas album commend for his new sound but nothing hit for me so far, but I'll peep
New bas album has a very interesting brand
I’m still trying to figure it out fully
Middle Child might go diamond before No Role Modelz wow
It’s because it had a video
Always thought Cole fumbled a potential number 1 for not having a no role Modelz video or making it a stand alone single
New bas album banger after the last miss
Bas album out in Australia, can listen to snippets here if you open in incognito
Home Alone with Cole sounds nuts
Bas album out in Australia, can listen to snippets here if you open in incognito
Home Alone with Cole sounds nuts
Brooo, tell me it's not acrobeats, I miss rapping bas
Brooo, tell me it's not acrobeats, I miss rapping bas
Home Alone at least is straight rap. Cole is going off for the whole snippet lol
Bas album out in Australia, can listen to snippets here if you open in incognito
Home Alone with Cole sounds nuts
Bro can someone make an album thread