Song is so good
They recorded at Rick Rubins studio too. If Rick is involved with new album
he's signed to rick so id assume anything he does has rick's involvement at least marginally
P*** Acting drops Friday too
this is so sick
mf charging $1K for Bad Sports vinyl lmao
yea what. Maybe $250... don't overvalue yourself just yet
mf charging $1K for Bad Sports vinyl lmao
Pyrotechnics is my favourite track off the album and this Dolby Atmos mix is so ridiculously bad. It’s completely evaporated any and all personality from the song..
Pyrotechnics is my favourite track off the album and this Dolby Atmos mix is so ridiculously bad. It’s completely evaporated any and all personality from the song..
dolby atmos mixes BLOW. even the kendrick atmos mix is ass