  • Yesterday, MA governor Maura Healey called for Biden to step down.
    This was clearly planned from the democrat governors after the meeting with Biden, because she is basically the highest profile governor with no horse in the race. The other high profile dem governors are all potential candidates or cabinet members.

    Jim Clyburn (who basically handed Biden his first nomination by pulling the strings in SC) cancelled his tv appearance for sunday morning and said he would support a "mini-primary".

    On a fundraising email the Biden campaign included internal polling that said they would drop out if another candidate had a better chance to beat Trump, but the poll showed they had the best numbers. However upon close examination, Harris had the same numbers on the poll against Trump as Biden did. Possibly setting up for a Harris transition?

    A group of megadonors is funding a $100m PAC to support a replacement candidate. Some donors are threatening to withhold donations from ALL democrats unless Biden drops out.

    Key Obama officials have taken shots at Biden and called for him to drop out. Harris is reportedly deciding between Roy Cooper, gov of NC or Andy Beshear, gov of KY as potential running mates.

    The winds of change are in the air...

  • yeah his name is Donal Trump

  • Jul 7
    1 reply

    Nothing ever happens gang hold strong

  • Jul 7
    1 reply

    Funny how it's being revealed mega donors control everything in plain writing

  • Jul 7
    1 reply

    it will be nice to have an alcoholic as a president again when kamala gets in office

  • NYT reporting four senior house democrats had a private meeting with Biden where they urged him to drop out of the race.

  • Jul 8
    3 replies

    I don't understand American politics since I'm not American, but, why can't someone else just run as a democratic president as well? Why does it only have to be this one guy?

  • TheEPSD

    I don't understand American politics since I'm not American, but, why can't someone else just run as a democratic president as well? Why does it only have to be this one guy?

    They could have and technically some people did, but none of them had anywhere near enough support or ran a serious enough campaign (as is usually the case in a political party here when they have an incumbent president)

    Also people didn’t know just how badly he was doing health wise because his staff has been shielding him so heavily

  • Pusha P

    Funny how it's being revealed mega donors control everything in plain writing

    It’s even funnier how the mainstream media refuses to even touch Project 2025 as an issue

  • TheEPSD

    I don't understand American politics since I'm not American, but, why can't someone else just run as a democratic president as well? Why does it only have to be this one guy?

    american elections are more like a form of pageantry than a real democracy, these things are preordained by the ruling class

  • Stone cold Steven Austin will save us

  • Jul 8
    2 replies

    I went from being lukewarm but f*** it I’ll vote for him for the Supreme Court seats to being actively angry I have to either hand Trump another presidency or support this man’s breathtaking hubris in 2 weeks, great job Byron

  • Jul 8
    2 replies

    I went from being lukewarm but f*** it I’ll vote for him for the Supreme Court seats to being actively angry I have to either hand Trump another presidency or support this man’s breathtaking hubris in 2 weeks, great job Byron

    were actually so cooked man.

    he just keeps repeating the same s*** and honestly its getting very trump like from a personality perspective.

    "im the best guy for the job"

    the lil paragraph s***ting on the ppl who ran against him???LMAOOOO
    and this s*** at the end

    Any weakening of resolve or lack of
    clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us. It is time to come together, move
    forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump

    we're so far past this man, they really dont see the damage that debate and every subsequent time now biden speaks has done

  • Jul 8
    1 reply

    I went from being lukewarm but f*** it I’ll vote for him for the Supreme Court seats to being actively angry I have to either hand Trump another presidency or support this man’s breathtaking hubris in 2 weeks, great job Byron

    the IOF appreciates your support

  • Jul 8
    1 reply

    the IOF appreciates your support

    Trump will be the exact same s*** plus civil rights violations stateside in the best case, I’m not f***ing happy about it either

  • Jul 8

    were actually so cooked man.

    he just keeps repeating the same s*** and honestly its getting very trump like from a personality perspective.

    "im the best guy for the job"

    the lil paragraph s***ting on the ppl who ran against him???LMAOOOO
    and this s*** at the end

    Any weakening of resolve or lack of
    clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us. It is time to come together, move
    forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump

    we're so far past this man, they really dont see the damage that debate and every subsequent time now biden speaks has done

    We’re unbelievably cooked and I hate the DNC intensely at this point. Glad these f***ing career politicians can run the country into the ground and die in their mansions before they see any of the results of their actions

    Absolutely crushing that these are our choices. I wish I could go back and tell 18 year old me how bad I’d miss being able to vote for Obama or Romney that year

  • Jul 8
    1 reply

    Trump will be the exact same s*** plus civil rights violations stateside in the best case, I’m not f***ing happy about it either

    how many dead palestinians are worth "civil rights" in the US? I just wanna understand this f***ed up arithmetic where you can leverage a certain amount of palestinian lives for the benefit of american ones.

    biden is already violating your "civil rights" as we speak and cannot prevent the further erosion of any temporary privilege you may have. if you are black or a migrant you are already subject to death in an american concentration camp. why is the genocide of palestinians not the primary factor in why you choose to vote?

  • Jul 8
    1 reply

    how many dead palestinians are worth "civil rights" in the US? I just wanna understand this f***ed up arithmetic where you can leverage a certain amount of palestinian lives for the benefit of american ones.

    biden is already violating your "civil rights" as we speak and cannot prevent the further erosion of any temporary privilege you may have. if you are black or a migrant you are already subject to death in an american concentration camp. why is the genocide of palestinians not the primary factor in why you choose to vote?

    Bet so let’s not vote at all (please convince me actually, I hate this man at this point) and when Trump wins, let’s keep watching while the courts are packed for the rest of both of our lives with people who f***ing hate anyone who looks like you or me, the women in our lives, the LGBTQ folks in our lives, etc. AND Gaza continues to be firebombed with our tax dollars

    I’m not saying Biden shouldn’t be held to the fire. I want any democrat held to the fire at this point. But we just watched two old men with loose grasps on reality call each other Palestinians as a pejorative word on live tv while arguing about their golf game and one of them is going to be the president again this fall. Be very honest with me: how do you choose?

    I’ll be honest with you: my mother was a first gen immigrant from Ecuador, and I know goddamn well what generations of ongoing unrest does to decimate a culture and entire family lines. I do not support Israel’s genocide, but how do I morally square that with letting the presidency into the hands of a man whose anti-immigrant policy would ruin the chances of young women like her succeeding in this country the way she did, while most likely continuing the same genocide? I am genuinely asking: how do you choose?

  • Jul 8
    1 reply

    Bet so let’s not vote at all (please convince me actually, I hate this man at this point) and when Trump wins, let’s keep watching while the courts are packed for the rest of both of our lives with people who f***ing hate anyone who looks like you or me, the women in our lives, the LGBTQ folks in our lives, etc. AND Gaza continues to be firebombed with our tax dollars

    I’m not saying Biden shouldn’t be held to the fire. I want any democrat held to the fire at this point. But we just watched two old men with loose grasps on reality call each other Palestinians as a pejorative word on live tv while arguing about their golf game and one of them is going to be the president again this fall. Be very honest with me: how do you choose?

    I’ll be honest with you: my mother was a first gen immigrant from Ecuador, and I know goddamn well what generations of ongoing unrest does to decimate a culture and entire family lines. I do not support Israel’s genocide, but how do I morally square that with letting the presidency into the hands of a man whose anti-immigrant policy would ruin the chances of young women like her succeeding in this country the way she did, while most likely continuing the same genocide? I am genuinely asking: how do you choose?

    biden's current immigration policy is even more right-wing than trump's because again, it doesnt matter who is president. the american system has objective needs in order to maintain itself, capitalism-imperialism has an internal logic.

    I dont choose. I have voted third party in every election since 2012 and I will continue to do so.

  • Jul 8
    1 reply

    I don't understand American politics since I'm not American, but, why can't someone else just run as a democratic president as well? Why does it only have to be this one guy?

    Because this is what the mega donors wanted.

    And now they apparently want a new candidate but they've already made their bed

  • I don’t care for Biden but America is about to have an actual straight up criminal who is already a convicted felon become President lmao. That s*** is wild when you think about it. What does that say about America? We been so desensitized by what he’s done. Nobody really gives a f*** that he’s an actual criminal that’s been above the law .
    Trump is straight up gaming the system lmao.

  • BrainWorms4U

    were actually so cooked man.

    he just keeps repeating the same s*** and honestly its getting very trump like from a personality perspective.

    "im the best guy for the job"

    the lil paragraph s***ting on the ppl who ran against him???LMAOOOO
    and this s*** at the end

    Any weakening of resolve or lack of
    clarity about the task ahead only helps Trump and hurts us. It is time to come together, move
    forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump

    we're so far past this man, they really dont see the damage that debate and every subsequent time now biden speaks has done

    The partisan Dems that support this piece of s*** on Twitter are just as cult like as MAGA

    And when they hear that they have a meltdown

  • Jul 8
    1 reply

    biden's current immigration policy is even more right-wing than trump's because again, it doesnt matter who is president. the american system has objective needs in order to maintain itself, capitalism-imperialism has an internal logic.

    I dont choose. I have voted third party in every election since 2012 and I will continue to do so.

    It absolutely matters who is president because we have an infallible lifetime appointment court, which is f***ing asinine in modern government, but it’s the reality. And the reality is that a third party vote is choosing Trump because, also asinine, but we have a two party system. We agree on the underlying problem. For this year, though, the choice is between the two of them and frankly I’d rather protest all 4 years of a second Biden term than experience 4 more years of Trump.

    Either way, America will support Israel until it’s no longer profitable to do so. To me, that’s a separate fight that needs to be fought in parallel. But don’t kid yourself that a third party vote is any kind of signal of disapproval that will even be heard in our current system.

    Unless you want to burn it all down, in which case… fair.