anyone been to his show? my friends said it was the whitest most undisciplined crowd they've been to
still wish i got to experience this album live though, it sounds made for sweaty dimly lit indie venues
anyone been to his show? my friends said it was the whitest most undisciplined crowd they've been to
still wish i got to experience this album live though, it sounds made for sweaty dimly lit indie venues
It was fun af when I went to the LP tour but that’s pretty accurate
anyone been to his show? my friends said it was the whitest most undisciplined crowd they've been to
still wish i got to experience this album live though, it sounds made for sweaty dimly lit indie venues
You should be aware of what youre getting into but hes a great performer
outta nowhere collab
Walk in the spot I ain't poppin & lockin
Armbar tear your s*** put the socket
Bam Bam Bigelow I'm top rope bombin I know
Niggas be pressed for the content
I can't help you, a nigga just started
Big drum shaped like Cartman
Sleep on her ass, got the key to her apartment, yeah!
finally listened to this album and man… this is some great s***. I really love when he’s on more mellow production. Either on or off the d**** is one of my favorite songs of his. The back half of the project is incredible. Love the hard s*** too.
yeah this is his worst project since BBC unfortunately, still got some s*** on here though
He hasn’t rapped this good in so long
Dam Peggy killed that s***
We needed this energy on the album 😭
This is so f***ing good omfg