  • Sorry to be on my condom eyes and rant crazy about niggas but JPEGMAFIA has the most annoying haters and fans.

  • Jan 23
    4 replies

    also boo boo he taunted you by following your wife, imagine being called a N1ggr and having to perform for some of the most fake and racist white people because they bought tickets and expect you to act like how they want

  • Jan 23
    Mr Milchick

    There’s really no valid excuse as to why you’re a Jpegmafia fan anymore. Not only is he a massive f***ing loser at 35 yrs old, but he also makes dogshit music now too

    I know I’m beating a dead horse with this but it bears repeating: all Jpegmafia fans please go take a shower. Go get a job, get out of your momma’s basement, actually have a real conversation with a real person in the real world you absolute f***ing geeks

    Disgusting post smh and if you cant see why you're a f***ing moron.

    As a BLACK man with a job, that showers regularly, has his own place and probably gets more p**** than you please shut the f*** up.

    You don't like his music? cool but to make these broad statements about his fans this way is extremely corny and lame.

  • Jan 23
    1 reply

    show me the pic with benny the butcher ex!

  • pneu âť•
    Jan 23
    1 reply
    Mr Milchick

    Ok but he is lame and his music does suck these days. Did I stutter, did I lie? Didn’t think so.

    Also the only people on the internet who praised his last album outside of his white hipster d***riders is RateYourMusic, which is SHOCKER, a website full of more white hipsters. His music appeals to the most insufferable dorks who roam the internet, who all also happen to be “annoying crackers”. This is all just factual information.

    Also trying to continue to label him as left wing political rapper even though he just threw his supposed “beliefs” into the garbage so he could collab with a nazi for a check and some validity is hilarious. He’s a hypocrite and a f***ing loser, end of discussion.

    He's still one of the few rappers that is trying to do something interesting with their music.

    No one is producing like him, it's as simple as that.

  • pneu âť•
    Jan 23
    JT is Electric

    also boo boo he taunted you by following your wife, imagine being called a N1ggr and having to perform for some of the most fake and racist white people because they bought tickets and expect you to act like how they want

    Niggas just lame man, can never just talk about the music these days.

    Always on some high horse moral s***.

  • Jan 23
    1 reply

    this was so funny to see like dam freddie did u know your wife is a hoe? couldnt spot that from a mile away huh

  • Tubig

    he is

    but also

    yeah it's lame all around

  • JT is Electric

    also boo boo he taunted you by following your wife, imagine being called a N1ggr and having to perform for some of the most fake and racist white people because they bought tickets and expect you to act like how they want


  • I come through swiftly
    I don't beef with a nigga I do 50

  • Jan 23
    2 replies

    One thing I'll say about Peggy is that he actually can be a lame sometimes in real life, & a real reason this is true has a lot to do with knowledge I have about his first reddit ultimately being scuppered.

    Something we already know about rappers or musicians Period is that they may be great at what they do but they aren't perfect people, sometimes reprehensible. We choose to listen to murderers, people who poison their community, who defraud others actively, who treat women badly (if anything he falls into this category, & he admits this) if not worse. what i do know about that situation is that, in old internet parlance, we can say dude owned himself. it's not however anything like what uzi did or x did or trey songz.

    That said, I still listen to him because 1. he still makes good music & 2. I know how far he came. 3. he still manages to succeed & even grow as a producer & rapper despite his own antics. I'm not shook off him linking with ye, he was always going to do that lol & I'm sure he figured how it would look but he doesnt care. It's ye. He gets special s*** for it because he spent time making himself out to be a leftist, & with things being fraught as they are politically sometimes i can't blame the people online for expecting more from him. it's still not as bad as being an actual conservative. your favorite rapper will not talk about punching nazis.

    Armand Hammer beef was lame but they patched it up legit & it seemed to be about an actual issue so idk why we're still grousing about that. Freddie beef was kinda lame except the fact that both dudes are corny so idk what you expected. that said Peggy won that one & I haven't been able to take Freddie seriously since the Benny beef.

    Peggy stealing a beat from old dude & telling him to kill himself on stage is lame & hilarious, because its something wed expect a noided troll to do. why would Peggy lie about making this beat in all honesty, it's not like we can't say he's not a great producer totally on his own merit. it's a weird thing to lie about but something I've realized parasocially from people who have known him is that he's just a dude who never expected to get where he is, who persevered in spite of the odds & himself. I can only expect so much maturity from a dude who grew up on 4chan or being adjacent to that.

    I can call him out when he's being weird & still enjoy his music, because he is also right sometimes about the expectations of white people who like his music & i remember that every decision he makes is from the postionality of a talented black man just trying to not be poor anymore, which warped aspects of his personality to begin with. I can see why he's so brash. I can also see why he's struggling to cope too with fame as well as still trying to make good music . idk it's interesting

  • That 3rd verse on PTC is why I'm here for dude lol dude is 120% himself at a high level

  • pneu âť•
    Jan 23

    One thing I'll say about Peggy is that he actually can be a lame sometimes in real life, & a real reason this is true has a lot to do with knowledge I have about his first reddit ultimately being scuppered.

    Something we already know about rappers or musicians Period is that they may be great at what they do but they aren't perfect people, sometimes reprehensible. We choose to listen to murderers, people who poison their community, who defraud others actively, who treat women badly (if anything he falls into this category, & he admits this) if not worse. what i do know about that situation is that, in old internet parlance, we can say dude owned himself. it's not however anything like what uzi did or x did or trey songz.

    That said, I still listen to him because 1. he still makes good music & 2. I know how far he came. 3. he still manages to succeed & even grow as a producer & rapper despite his own antics. I'm not shook off him linking with ye, he was always going to do that lol & I'm sure he figured how it would look but he doesnt care. It's ye. He gets special s*** for it because he spent time making himself out to be a leftist, & with things being fraught as they are politically sometimes i can't blame the people online for expecting more from him. it's still not as bad as being an actual conservative. your favorite rapper will not talk about punching nazis.

    Armand Hammer beef was lame but they patched it up legit & it seemed to be about an actual issue so idk why we're still grousing about that. Freddie beef was kinda lame except the fact that both dudes are corny so idk what you expected. that said Peggy won that one & I haven't been able to take Freddie seriously since the Benny beef.

    Peggy stealing a beat from old dude & telling him to kill himself on stage is lame & hilarious, because its something wed expect a noided troll to do. why would Peggy lie about making this beat in all honesty, it's not like we can't say he's not a great producer totally on his own merit. it's a weird thing to lie about but something I've realized parasocially from people who have known him is that he's just a dude who never expected to get where he is, who persevered in spite of the odds & himself. I can only expect so much maturity from a dude who grew up on 4chan or being adjacent to that.

    I can call him out when he's being weird & still enjoy his music, because he is also right sometimes about the expectations of white people who like his music & i remember that every decision he makes is from the postionality of a talented black man just trying to not be poor anymore, which warped aspects of his personality to begin with. I can see why he's so brash. I can also see why he's struggling to cope too with fame as well as still trying to make good music . idk it's interesting

    That's why you just gotta separate the art from the artist.

    Everyone can find something they dislike about any artist, can't let that have an effect on the enjoyment of said music or any art form.

    Makes life that much easier when you dgaf.

  • Jan 23
    2 replies

    he lame for this

    can’t find it but he once tweeted he’s the Drake of experimental hip hop - and he is on a mission to prove it

  • smackdab
    · edited

    can’t find it but he once tweeted he’s the Drake of experimental hip hop - and he is on a mission to prove it

    i remember that one. bro is a troll

  • Jan 23
    2 replies

    Aw hell lol. Angry black men got exposed

  • Jan 23
    1 reply

    He's still one of the few rappers that is trying to do something interesting with their music.

    No one is producing like him, it's as simple as that.

  • pneu âť•
    Jan 23
    Mr Milchick

    That's fair lol, I don't mind his raps but the beats carry which is fine.

  • Jan 23
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    also boo boo he taunted you by following your wife, imagine being called a N1ggr and having to perform for some of the most fake and racist white people because they bought tickets and expect you to act like how they want

    Lmaoo this is so f***ing lame, getting on your knees for a man who literally stalked a dude’s IG page to find his wife’s @ so he could follow her as some sort of “aha!” moment. Bear in mind that this critic literally did not criticize or provoke Jpeg in any way whatsoever, he just did it because he’s a cornball. And then you try to correlate it with something that has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. Like yeah obviously Jpeg experiencing racism at his shows isn’t cool. Doesn’t change the fact that he: 1). collaborated with a nazi (which btw yes I’m aware this is a kanye forum but also guess what? kanye is a self-admitted nazi AND has assault allegations so I think I’m well within my right to criticize anyone who still makes music with him), 2). harassed a man’s wife over the internet for no reason other than to be a weirdo, and 3). is generally a piece of s*** human being. Trying to downplay or downright defend his behavior makes you just as much of a piece of s*** as he is

  • pneu âť•
    Jan 23
    1 reply
    Mr Milchick

    Lmaoo this is so f***ing lame, getting on your knees for a man who literally stalked a dude’s IG page to find his wife’s @ so he could follow her as some sort of “aha!” moment. Bear in mind that this critic literally did not criticize or provoke Jpeg in any way whatsoever, he just did it because he’s a cornball. And then you try to correlate it with something that has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. Like yeah obviously Jpeg experiencing racism at his shows isn’t cool. Doesn’t change the fact that he: 1). collaborated with a nazi (which btw yes I’m aware this is a kanye forum but also guess what? kanye is a self-admitted nazi AND has assault allegations so I think I’m well within my right to criticize anyone who still makes music with him), 2). harassed a man’s wife over the internet for no reason other than to be a weirdo, and 3). is generally a piece of s*** human being. Trying to downplay or downright defend his behavior makes you just as much of a piece of s*** as he is

    What you want people to do lol?

    Cry about it like you? Who gives a f*** man, we don't know these people.

  • lacriminal

    Aw hell lol. Angry black men got exposed

    Ruh roh!

  • insertcoolnamehere ✊🏿
    Jan 23
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    also boo boo he taunted you by following your wife, imagine being called a N1ggr and having to perform for some of the most fake and racist white people because they bought tickets and expect you to act like how they want

    the original tweet wasn't even dissing him tho bro

    jpeg went at the wrong person lol