Ahh man I was waiting for him to release this one ever since I heard it on Stay Inside w/ Earl and Knx
Ahh man I was waiting for him to release this one ever since I heard it on Stay Inside w/ Earl and Knx
what a time to bring those vibes back haha
aight i dont like son's hate of drums cause if he had added some bounce to this bigbrotro s*** that woulda been HEAT rock my g.
on that same front, this song cry probably one of my favorite flips of a Jay Z song I've heard son (and I remember when the Black is back! 9th wonder s*** came out yo)
just like babygirl with the drums.
yo wait what is this actual Quavo track he flipped?
i'm actually like, listening to the lyrics and he's deadass talking to these lil niggas, why have I never heard this before my g?
need nxworries 2 asap