I joined, LMK if i need to do anything else for the extra stuff
Dope! We will be having a restock for the extra stuff in a few days. Hold tight
Alright so here’s the thing though we have a free version and a paid $20 a month version that comes with monitors a insider snkrs plug and more either way I’m here for ktt fam the regular free version is still cool lmk which link you guys want and I’ll get them out to you.
Edit make sure you quote me so i see you
Edit: it’s not letting me PM you guys
Here’s a invite to the free version expires in 24 hours. If you want access to all the extra stuff pm me or quote me.
not letting me PM, but send it over please
not letting me PM, but send it over please
Link to free discord Available here. Restock for extra stuff this afternoon
1pm PST
Link to free discord Available here. Restock for extra stuff this afternoon
1pm PST
Whats ur extra stuff
Whats ur extra stuff
Inside snkrs plug
Raffle bots
Free supreme slots
Early links variants & more