i legit feel like i'm missing some essentials but i have scoured the internet looking for the best stoner anthems
idk why i feel this way
So what we get drunk
So what we smoke weed
i used to paint my nails black when i was in hs
i was a different type of nigga you feel me
i used to paint my nails black when i was in hs
i was a different type of nigga you feel me
Yoooo I did that too
I would do black, grey, red all sorts of colors
i legit feel like i'm missing some essentials but i have scoured the internet looking for the best stoner anthems
idk why i feel this way
You got some crazy s*** too tbh I been looking at your potential list and it’s dope
i used to paint my nails black when i was in hs
i was a different type of nigga you feel me
i would match my shoelaces to my shirt/outfit
i would match my shoelaces to my shirt/outfit
I almost bought fake offwhite laces in HS
You got some crazy s*** too tbh I been looking at your potential list and it’s dope
i got an eminem song on here, hoping it goes well
i got an eminem song on here, hoping it goes well
@bMass28 Show out for ur guy
i legit feel like i'm missing some essentials but i have scoured the internet looking for the best stoner anthems
idk why i feel this way
I scour the Internet every time I’m doing a VZ. I like getting opinions.
I scour the Internet every time I’m doing a VZ. I like getting opinions.
word i be doing so much research its kinda wild
didn't do this for a few matches tho, sade, aaliyah, dolph, jt, and a few others but for the most part it's the best way to approach making a list
that 90s r&b list took me a week to put together lol
word i be doing so much research its kinda wild
didn't do this for a few matches tho, sade, aaliyah, dolph, jt, and a few others but for the most part it's the best way to approach making a list
that 90s r&b list took me a week to put together lol
Only one I haven’t done it for is the upcoming one but that’s just because it’s MJ and I know his discography super well.
when was the last carti vz?
Zomg can we pleeeeeeease do a carti vs uzi 2016 nostalgia verzuz
Zomg can we pleeeeeeease do a carti vs uzi 2016 nostalgia verzuz
put me on team uzi