there’s not a single thing i find redeeming about his work
there’s not a single thing i find redeeming about his work
there’s not a single thing i find redeeming about his work
u hate zay too? crazy
heard em all before
u hate zay too? crazy
he is the antithesis to everything i enjoy about hip hop production
You keep posting this like you get more chuckles each time or something
Oh I like you sky walker
Got his stupid ass
She really the mole
Thats my worst enemy
imagine being a virtuoso on piano and still unable to compose a single comprehensible melody
@saveme the sample agghhhh
Thats just you on an alt
How dare you
imagine being a virtuoso on piano and still unable to compose a single comprehensible melody
Man sounds like some geek s***
Man sounds like some geek s***
that i want music to sound like music? Oh bite my buns
Talk to em Mitch
@sizzabella hope you looking up and trying to bring him with you