she doesn’t completely sit around grandstanding all day like most democrats
she occasionally does stuff
That’s the guy with a humongous d*** that assaulted women right?
raped numerous women while they slept or were unconscious*
LA is a s***hole brudda and has been my entire life, we've had all parties in here and it's never changed
What changes would make if you were in charge of LA
libertarian socialism >
Like a book club or something?
my favorite time itt is when we discuss politics
I picked up a strain called raspberry parfait today, s*** is delicious
I’m a hardcore libertarian. I’m voting Ron Jeremy again
He’s a rapist
The fact that beavis and butthead has been revived like 3 times yet no sign of king of the hill
raped numerous women while they slept or were unconscious*
Throw away the key
Like a book club or something?
Leftists love to read books but i find it boring and lame
also i cant read
What changes would make if you were in charge of LA
too many to list but the place is a s***hole because of 50-60 years of severe wealth inequality and people "chasing" dreams
The fact that beavis and butthead has been revived like 3 times yet no sign of king of the hill
isn't there a reboot coming soon
Good stuff
of course the radiohead stan supports aoc
shes one of the only representatives we have that somewhat gives a s*** so yes
shes one of the only representatives we have that somewhat gives a s*** so yes
you can't be serious right now lmfao
for president