Also defended MGK and Logic after that
I know the type of people he is
he probably loves Kendrick
We can sit here and disagree on opinions but when everyone but one person is saying that opinion is wrong
It’s wrong.
Thats not true
I’m the only Ken Carson fan in here
Logic AND MGK?
“Rap is a mountain” type beat
He’s a master troll though, maybe the greatest KTT troll of all time
Why does a pitbull eat families?
Why is the sky blue?
These jokes are not funny and are enough 2 make me permanently block ppl
These jokes are not funny and are enough 2 make me permanently block ppl
Why did you single me out when everyone else was making the same joke
All kendrick fans are like that tbh
Yup. That’s my issue with most of them despite loving Kendrick
Why did you single me out when everyone else was making the same joke
I said they aren't funny to sizzys cousin too
Thats not true
I’m the only Ken Carson fan in here
You aren’t sitting here saying Ken Carson got the AOTY
You aren’t sitting here saying Ken Carson got the AOTY
Probably did in 2021 tbh
All kendrick fans are like that tbh
And things were going so well between us