Day 2 of no weed and the depression is insane
Why aren’t you smoking?
Day 2 of no weed and the depression is insane
We're u that dependant on it?
Day 2 of no weed and the depression is insane
dreams bout to be vivid af
Day 2 of no weed and the depression is insane
listening to Kendrick gets me high enough
dreams bout to be vivid af
Been living a precognitive movie every night for the past like, 2 months or so
Been living a precognitive movie every night for the past like, 2 months or so
welp to make sure this doesn't happen to me.. time to smoke
welp to make sure this doesn't happen to me.. time to smoke
smoke a fat one for me
lakers warriors tonight finna be amazing
refs gonna steal the show tonight and show why the fans pay to see them
Day 2 of no weed and the depression is insane
Good. No friend of mine can be weak.
Been living a precognitive movie every night for the past like, 2 months or so
You aren’t smoking?
Op has been updated thanks to @saveme
Tht bottom mass of users that have participated are still there
Let me know if I should remove that
I want to have Legendary VZ's on the op
I put an example of Kendrick VZ Drake
Lemme kno what other matches you thought were hella goated and deserve a placement
@op looks good
You still good for this Thursday?
What does the soon category even mean
Was that created just so Wesley wouldn't cry about not being in the big 3
What does the soon category even mean
Was that created just so Wesley wouldn't cry about not being in the big 3
op just couldn't leave it the way it was
What does the soon category even mean
Was that created just so Wesley wouldn't cry about not being in the big 3
Holy moly they had to give 2 silver medals just to still give him one