what about korn
What is baby corn
Haven't had
What is baby corn
Haven't had
It’s corn picked in its baby stage and you eat the entire thing including the cob because it hasn’t turned fibrous yet. It’s much more savory than adult corn which is basically a dessert
Used to live near a Chinese place where you could get an entire quart of baby corn with garlic sauce, could be top 5 dishes ever
Used to live near a Chinese place where you could get an entire quart of baby corn with garlic sauce, could be top 5 dishes ever
Corn weirds me out
Little tiny weird popping things
And it's weirdly dull and sweet
Corn weirds me out
Little tiny weird popping things
And it's weirdly dull and sweet
Yeah baby corn isn’t sweet at all
Why do I feel like this is untrue
buddy im off my rocker
buddy im off my rocker
Et just implied that you are a lightweight with the drinking capabilities of a weak coward
Et just implied that you are a lightweight with the drinking capabilities of a weak coward
im probably average idk
im probably average idk
He told me he also thinks you smell bad
He told me he also thinks you smell bad
no i rook a shower a coupem hours ago
no i rook a shower a coupem hours ago
Well I'm not making any claims
But I'm just letting you know there's an old man going around telling everyone that you are smelly
Well I'm not making any claims
But I'm just letting you know there's an old man going around telling everyone that you are smelly
I mean he just admitted that he hasn’t showered in hours
Listening to take care
when a good thing goes bad its not the end of the world..
no this is my opinion