Have you always been that way
Is there something like wrong with your taste buds
they experimented on him so much he lost all his senses
when a good thing goes bad its not the end of the world..
she's the reason it happened but you overreacted and it's all because you don't want things to change
so many cringe lines on the album tho
i hate babies. i only like when women swallow my babies
when last that happen spice
there's 3x spicy too that i've never tired
I need to watch videos of koreans eating this s***. no way they can stand it
This is the one I had, don’t think it’s for sale anymore
this I wouldn't even look at
et gotta prove his claims from now on he been coasting too long on people just believing his I Have A Unique Palette posts
new york niggas man
By far the best Cole song, super classic
p easily
!https://youtu.be/n8zTF0qsxwI?si=BOykhcOgFrrFe5Bxin 2nd place we got
!https://youtu.be/ys2gR3Ud_iA?si=opNDrS8s4KEW9qNdis that sydney
Tell me more
sure you can guess the good experience.
the worst was I got a whole bag of grapefruit think it was oranges and started to eat them in the car while driving and was shocked when I tasted it I almost got in accident