hey u guys i found this really pretty song last night
here u go jus in case u need sum to listen to
god i love pop smoke so much
god i love pop smoke so much
Me too man I’m still f***ed up about it weekly
Me too man I’m still f***ed up about it weekly
been listening to him a lot lately cuz i put his entire discography on my playlist and it plays him a lot.. this came on yday
Ducks are one of the most aesthetically pleasing animals tbh
Like I look at a duck and I go
Heck yeah
Like I look at a duck and I go
Heck yeah
Like that's crazy
Like that's crazy
the green is so bold. whats the evolutionary purpose? pretty sure ducks evolved with bright colors just to look cool. Swag survival.
the green is so bold. whats the evolutionary purpose? pretty sure ducks evolved with bright colors just to look cool. Swag survival.
Exactly birds just got to look sick becauSe they can fly
Like they don't need camo they can literally just fly away
@Kdogone jus hit play on this bas
Like you can have a clear view of them but they are above you floating in the sky like
Who needs earth tones
Ducks are pretty cool but not as cool as ducklings
They are also great
I love a good duck line
Momma duck at the front followed by many ducklings
@Kdogone jus hit play on this bas
The song with Cole is like oh this should have just been the Cole verse