I thought u were an apple Stan
lol i get it
Regret to inform you but it is Radiohead hours
CAS released a RH cover a few days ago
this song right here
i love this s*** so much
her best song
i'm not much of an adele fan, but she's grown on me a lot recently
very good white mom music
One of the greatest singers ever idc
what's poppin ktt vz planner thread
it's already 1pm i haven't done s*** for work all day
21 is a generational masterpiece
Definitely her best. She’s tried to recapture that spark on her next 2 but they don’t hold a candle to 21. Hopefully her next one is a bit of a departure from that sound.
what's poppin ktt vz planner thread
it's already 1pm i haven't done s*** for work all day
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