AMSP a top 10 album for me I think
It’s my favorite Radiohead I think? That or In Rainbows (both super basic answers)
I like The Smile’s first album alot too
Present Tense one of my fav songs ever
0 misses the entire run time
True Love Waits is sooo haunting
Hopefully it’s bad in a entertaining way and not in a boring dreadful way
As long as we never hit pinups or Aladdin type music again I think we will be fine
It’s my favorite Radiohead I think? That or In Rainbows (both super basic answers)
I like The Smile’s first album alot too
The Smile LP2 is gonna be so good next month babyy
0 misses the entire run time
True Love Waits is sooo haunting
especially given the context of the song
Oh I agree it’s a great album I was just surprised at the notion because AMSP really is their slowest album.
I found Kid A super cold
The Smile LP2 is gonna be so good next month babyy
Guitar work on LP1 is crazy wonder if they continue with that sound
Guitar work on LP1 is crazy wonder if they continue with that sound
have you heard the two singles?
As long as we never hit pinups or Aladdin type music again I think we will be fine
Think we just get a lot of him throwing s*** at the wall after this
have you heard the two singles?
Nah bc I wasn’t impressed with the lead single from LP1 then ended up liking the album
Just gonna go in completely blind this time
2023 best year of the 2020s so far
Some carribean influence okay
Bowie disco like Prince where production wise he just never falls off I see
2nd track continues the bop
Some carribean influence okay
This is cool so far
I was expecting something horrific
What can’t Bowie do? (Aside from rapping on Lodger LOL)
Oh yea lodger was ruff