Someone write that down
I’ll save it to my notes where I have my Bowie ranking saved lol
Shining Star is dope too wth
this clears tonight easily
I’m real curious how yalls verison sounds bc this 2018 rework is crazy
Added music listening sessions to op
You don’t have Spotify?
purrp said he got kicked out tho
I wanna do Neil Young one day but Joe Rogan booted him off Spotify
purrp said he got kicked out tho
Neil Young bro
Neil Young bro
Shining star got me
or Elton John
This 2018 version is brazy actually
Neil Young didn’t get kicked off the platform he said he would remove his discography over Joe Rogan on Spotify and he did
This some Prince s***
Neil Young didn’t get kicked off the platform he said he would remove his discography over Joe Rogan on Spotify and he did
least hes a man of his word
this album might be better than ziggy lowkey......
I’ll put this over Tonight
Backhalf has been really solid
some of the lead guitar on here is really solid, just read its Peter Frampton