Never let me down solid
So far his 80’s run is over hated as f***
Never Let Me Down was a good album
Think the alcohol fuked up my tummy
Stink stummy hurt 🥺
Tomorrow @op @YungPapi
90s Bowie
Black Tie White Noise
The Budda of Suburbia
My favorites from that decade next, oh my g-d.
So far his 80’s run is over hated as f***
Yeah some of it is really cheesy I’m NGL but they made it sound like it was Revival/The Big Day bad. At worst it was mid. Not dogshit.
So far his 80’s run is over hated as f***
and from what im hearing now it would have been a bit better received if he changed around Tonight/Never Let Me Down to include a few of these other songs some of which were actually minor hits
Here's what I'm listening to.
and from what im hearing now it would have been a bit better received if he changed around Tonight/Never Let Me Down to include a few of these other songs some of which were actually minor hits
Was it label interference or his own decisions at the time?
Y’all should peep the 2018 rework of never let me down it was solid asf
Ashes to Ashes
Teenage Wildlife
Up the Hill Backwards
Under Pressure
Modern Love
China Girl
Let's Dance
Loving the Alien
Absolute Beginners
Time Will Crawl
that is a respectable list of highlights for a decade
So far his 80’s run is over hated as f***
Imagine if he hadn't released "Scary Monsters," lol.
Ashes to Ashes
Teenage Wildlife
Up the Hill Backwards
Under Pressure
Modern Love
China Girl
Let's Dance
Loving the Alien
Absolute Beginners
Time Will Crawl
that is a respectable list of highlights for a decade
Ashes To Ashes, Modern Love, Loving The Alien, and Never Let Me Down were my favorites from each album I think.
Imagine if he hadn't released "Scary Monsters," lol.
Scary Monsters is from the 80s but it’s basically his last hurrah for the 70s sound.
Was it label interference or his own decisions at the time?
maybe both, Tonight was rushed out due to label pressure to make a Let's Dance follow up. maybe if he took more time with it a couple of the soundtrack songs/ideas would have made themselves into that album
Absolute Beginners is absolutely worth hearing, def. better than anything on Tonight or Never Let Me Down and apparently it was a #2 hit in UK