Oh wow you’re older than me , I’m #2 now
How did that name tell you their age
@trouble @saveme the season keeps on giving man
Niggas getting serious injuries because a dog ate them on christmas im crine
dog bites, people getting run over, concussions from smashing ur head on a pipe
s*** feels like a 2000s raw episode
How did that name tell you their age
I looked at their KTT1 post history to see if it was Allison
lemme hear
I looked at their KTT1 post history to see if it was Allison
Dude what the hell
game night is commencing soon i hope yall get here soon
Did this one the opposite way completely
Lemme kno wut u think
listening now
game night is commencing soon i hope yall get here soon
listening now
one of Drake's best. period.
more like Badmusictionless lol
game night is commencing soon i hope yall get here soon
I only like scrabble
I only like scrabble
we are playing ransom note and then jackbox
we are playing ransom note and then jackbox
Idk those
Idk those
theyre fun! a splendid fun time
Did this one the opposite way completely
Lemme kno wut u think
like the melody
gonna run it back to catch the lyrics
Thread dead
Where is sizzy man
hurry bro saved a spot for u