Alright now let’s see early flip this with some 808s
Who itt would be the most annoying irl
Alright now let’s see early flip this with some 808s
with camillis permission
I bet ye stealing all ur vocaroos
When we blow up I call dibs on Emrata
Who itt would be the most annoying irl
@Cowboy drop the awards list, it’s time
Wesley n word bomb on track 3
That’s how we get the people to listen!
200K first week here we come
this the intro
that was like 30 seconds of f***ing around lmao never
That’s how we get the people to listen!
200K first week here we come
If u sold 200k fw
You'd already be superstar level easily
You'd surpass jack harlow
that was like 30 seconds of f***ing around lmao never
if that was f***ing around then i love it
I bet ye stealing all ur vocaroos
give me any kanye song and i'll disprove this
Who itt would be the most annoying irl
Seems like a mean question to ask
I’m officially a scrooge at this point. Next time my Christmas requires 4 different celebrations I’m showing up in all black and taking X**** before each event
give me any kanye song and i'll disprove this
Do the outro to slide in from Vultures
If u sold 200k fw
You'd already be superstar level easily
You'd surpass jack harlow
His new song being bigger than any drake song this year is wild
I’m officially a scrooge at this point. Next time my Christmas requires 4 different celebrations I’m showing up in all black and taking X**** before each event
That’s not very P
His new song being bigger than any drake song this year is wild
Those r bots fam lol