And I produced it
You got it
S*** might need a producer workshop from y’all
Sounds too much like Eminem
Saying that’s your opinion just has a cynical edge to it in my mind that doesn’t sound overt. I like tongue in cheek s***.
Idk man didn't even think of em lol
I wasn’t trying to be offensive at all , that rap is just dumb fire tho
nah i need to hear Wes say nigga with that energy
s*** sound tuff
I wasn’t trying to be offensive at all , that rap is just dumb fire tho
I didn’t take offense
This nigga wes is on a whole nother level
Beat I made a couple years ago sampling the great blood orange’s champagne coast
wes hard?
pecker patrol itt
niggas cock watching
lets go lb for lb rn im in europe
I wasn’t trying to be offensive at all , that rap is just dumb fire tho
No I agree just the way I read it in my head was funny asl
Bro said… why you singing lmao
bro was witholding that information from us
he made the beat too
I knew he did
He's really good
Nah this wes beat
I need to struggle rap on this badly
Can I ask why you’re doing some like pop rock stuff when you sound like that rapping
Wesley can be the white t pain
Beat I made a couple years ago sampling the great blood orange’s champagne coast
@op @Uhhhhhh @earlymann